Act, 15 January 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 15 January 1702



Act for a voluntar Contribution for building ane harbour at Lossiemouth Near Elgine

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by the magistrats and burgh of Elgine, Showeing That where in tymes past the said burgh though a burgh Royall yet never had any harbour nearer then Garmouth on the one hand which is att six myles distance to the great prejudice both of the burgh and whole Countrey about, which doeth afoord great plenty for expert which inconveniencey hath moved them to Search for a Convenient harbour nearer land if possible and accordingly hath found the same, att Lossiemouth within three myles of thir burgh for buildeing of the said Harbour, Likeas in prosecution of this so usefull a discovery the petitioners hes now these two years been workeing att it and have so farr cleared the same, that seven or eight Barques Some of them of seventy or eighty Tunn burden may Safely enter and lye within the Same, to the great benefeit not only of the Countrey about, but of all ships and Barques passeing nortward and Southward which may here wpon storm or any other stress or occasion find a Convenient harbour and Seing this So good a work desrves all Incouradgement, and that they most profess as ther Lordships may easely Conceave, that ther burgh, that hath but a very Small publict Good Cannot possible through the Same, unless the petitioners be therein assissted and that, the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell have wpon all Such occasions, been ready to help vertuous undertakers Specially where ther is a Considerable advance made, which Cannot now be desrted wthout a double Loss. And Thefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of his majeties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them, be the magistrats and burgh of Elgine the hereby appoynt authorize and grants warrand for a generall Contribution to be Collected threw all the kirks and paroches of scotland, wpon such dayes as the petitioners shall think fitt to name, for buildeing for buildeing ane harbour, att Lossiemouth, within three myles of the said burgh, and Recomends the saids petitioners to all ministers and Christian people to give ther Charitable assistance, in the said matter, and ordains the saids Contributions to be payed in to Andrew Ogilvie Toun Thesaurer of the said burgh, and these Commissionat by him, for wplifteing the Samen In respect he hes given bond and found sufficient Caution acted in the books of his majesties privie Counsell that he shall apply the saids Contributiones, wpon the use forsaid att the sight of the Lairds of Grant Brodie and Innes

Edinburgh 15 January 1702



Act for a voluntar Contribution for building ane harbour at Lossiemouth Near Elgine

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by the magistrats and burgh of Elgine, Showeing That where in tymes past the said burgh though a burgh Royall yet never had any harbour nearer then Garmouth on the one hand which is att six myles distance to the great prejudice both of the burgh and whole Countrey about, which doeth afoord great plenty for expert which inconveniencey hath moved them to Search for a Convenient harbour nearer land if possible and accordingly hath found the same, att Lossiemouth within three myles of thir burgh for buildeing of the said Harbour, Likeas in prosecution of this so usefull a discovery the petitioners hes now these two years been workeing att it and have so farr cleared the same, that seven or eight Barques Some of them of seventy or eighty Tunn burden may Safely enter and lye within the Same, to the great benefeit not only of the Countrey about, but of all ships and Barques passeing nortward and Southward which may here wpon storm or any other stress or occasion find a Convenient harbour and Seing this So good a work desrves all Incouradgement, and that they most profess as ther Lordships may easely Conceave, that ther burgh, that hath but a very Small publict Good Cannot possible through the Same, unless the petitioners be therein assissted and that, the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell have wpon all Such occasions, been ready to help vertuous undertakers Specially where ther is a Considerable advance made, which Cannot now be desrted wthout a double Loss. And Thefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of his majeties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them, be the magistrats and burgh of Elgine the hereby appoynt authorize and grants warrand for a generall Contribution to be Collected threw all the kirks and paroches of scotland, wpon such dayes as the petitioners shall think fitt to name, for buildeing for buildeing ane harbour, att Lossiemouth, within three myles of the said burgh, and Recomends the saids petitioners to all ministers and Christian people to give ther Charitable assistance, in the said matter, and ordains the saids Contributions to be payed in to Andrew Ogilvie Toun Thesaurer of the said burgh, and these Commissionat by him, for wplifteing the Samen In respect he hes given bond and found sufficient Caution acted in the books of his majesties privie Counsell that he shall apply the saids Contributiones, wpon the use forsaid att the sight of the Lairds of Grant Brodie and Innes

1. NRS, PC2/28, 152r-153r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 152r-153r.