Att Edinburgh the 8th July 1702
Act In favours of the Earl of Hoptoune Dischargeing any exaction at the Bridge of Clyde
Anent the petition given in and presented to his Grace, her majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her majesties privie Counsell, by Charles Hope of Hopetoun Showeing by vertue of Repeated rights granted Granted2 by his late3 majestie of blessed memory, and his Royall predecessors, duely ratified by the parliament from tyme to tyme, and specially by vertue of ane Chartor, under the great Sale, by his late majestie of blessed memory in favors of the petitioner himselfe, of date the twenty nynth of Apryle Sixteen hunder and nynty five yeares; not only the petitioners Ancient Rights to the mines and mineralls are thereby ratified, But also his late majestie of new, gives grants and dispones to the petitioner all the mines mettalls and mineralls of whatsomever, nature King quality or value whither Gold Silver Quick Silver tin Copper Lead Iron, or any other, mines mineralls or mettalls whatsomever lyeing within the petitioners barrony of Hopetoun, within the sheriffdome of Lenark and within the lands of Balnacreick Bathgate, Drumcross, Hilderstoun, Tarfichen and Tartraven, within the sheriffdome of Linlithgow or within the bounds of any other lands whatsomever, pertaineing to the petitioners with all the priveleges Immunities and exemptiones, Contained in the petitioners ancient rights, with free ish and entry to his works, and free passage from the Samen for srvants horses Cartes, and all other Instruments of Carriage, and Specially declareing that the saids mines mettalls and mineralls shall be possesst by the petitioner with the express Immunity and exemption from all payment of Custom bullion, Shoar dues or other dues whatsomever, and with full power of transporting the Same, free of all the saids duties to any Foraigne Countrey or Kingdom, as the said Chartor present to show does fully testifie notwithstanding whereof […] Baily of Litlegill and […] his mother by themselves ther srvants men tenants and others of ther resett, houndeing out and Ratihabition, doe dayly molest and trouble, the petitioner and his srvants, and Cariers of his lead, as oar, Transported by him from his said Barrony, of Hopetoun to the Port and Harbour of Leith, by ther wrongous and unjust, exacting of ane Certain duty wpon every horse Load and Cart att ther passeing the River of Clyde, also weell att the bridge as att the foords albeit the foords be two myles distant from the bridge, and that in a most masterfull and oppressive way, by turneing the Loads out of the Carts, and off the horse backs, and beating the petitioners srvants and Cariers, Contrair to all law, and the petitioners unquestionable rights above mentioned and tending to the great discouragement of the petitioner his srvants and workmen, in the prosecution of his lead works, which if duely encouraged prove of Great advantage and benefeit not only to the Countrey where his mines lye by the Imployment of many hundred hands also weell in his work as in Cariage but also to the kingdom, in Generall, by ane export Trade of his lead, as is Sufficiently knowen to the saids Lords, Therefore and for avoideing and preventing the saids Inconvenencies for the future and for the Incouragement, the petitioners his srvants and Cariers in the prosecution of his said work, So beneficiall to the kingdom, And Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition beares, Her majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her majesties privie Councill, haveing Considered the petition given in to them, by Charles Hope of Hopetoun, with ane Chartor under the great sale of this kingdom, in favors of the said petitioner of all mines mettalls mineralls of whatsomever kynd etc whither Gold Silver tin Copper lead Iron In maner and att more length Contained in the said Chartor, They hereby Inhibite they hereby Discharge all persones whatsomever and Especially […] Bailzie of Litlegill and […] his mother, ther men tenants srvants and others of ther resett and hunding out, from all further molesting and troubleing of the said petitioner, his srvants and Cariers whither by Carts or horses, backs, in ther passages, att the River of Clyde, aither by bridge or foords thereof and from all exaction of any duty from them wpon any accompt, or pretext whatsomever under the penalty of law.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 180r-181v.
2. Sic.
3. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 180r-181v.
2. Sic.
3. Insertion.