Att Edinburgh the 12th February 1702
Act In favours of Sir David Dalrumple and James Steven for puting ane pavilion Roofe on ther houses in the parliament Closs
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Councill by Sir David Dalrymple advocat and James Stephan usher, of his majesties Exchequer for themeselves and in name and behalfe of the rest of the heretors of the late brunt lands att the entry to the parliament Closs, Showeing That where the said tenement being brunt in febrij 1700 Is rebuilt att ther expenses and Coast so that it only remains to be raised and the saids Lords haveing been pleased to Interpose in that matter, that these buildings in So publict a place might be with all decency the petitioners doe accordingly to ther duty humbly represent, that the building is exactly as formerly only the platt form Load Roof being by experience found to be exceedingly weighty and expensive they intend to the roof putt on after the form of a partition Roof in place of a platt form, such as the roof of the Abbay, which will be every while as decent as formerly, and more more Convenient and easie for the petitioner and for Cleareing whereof a schem is herewith given in and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privie Councill haveing Considered the within petition given in to them by the within Sir David Dalrymple and James Stephan usher to the exchequer, for themselves and in name and behalfe of the rest of the heretors of the late Brunt land att the entry to the parliament Closs, They hereby allow the petitioners Roof to be sett on after the form of a pavilion roof
1. NRS, PC2/28,156r-156v.
1. NRS, PC2/28,156r-156v.