Att Edinburgh The Twentie fourth day of March Jaj viic and two years
[Proclamation adjourning Parliament]
Proclamation adjourning the parliament the 26 May nixt Read approven and Signed; And ordained to be published printed and Recorded Wherof the tenor followes.
Anne be the Grace of God Queen of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith; To our Lyon King at armes and his bretheren heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill pursevants; Messengers at armes; Our Shirrifs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas by the i7 act of the 6th session of this our Current parliament; It is provided That in caice the parliament Should be under adjournment at the time of the death of his late Majestie of Blessed Memory, the same2 should not be disolved, by his death; But meet within Twenty dayes therafter; And continue to sitt and act for six moneths unless sooner adjourned or disolved by the nixt Immediat Successor; according to the Declaration of the Estates dated the Eleventh day of Aprile 1689 years And the right to the Imperiall Crown of his our ancient Kingdome being now conforme to the said declaration devolved upon us; And wee haveing likewayes assured the exercise of the Regall power; are fully resolved That our parliament shall meett; But judge it necessary by reasone of many Important and weighty affairs at this our first accession to the Government which cannot So Soon be adjusted, to adjourn the Same to the day aftermentioned; Therfore Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill Have Adjourned and hereby Adjourne our Said Current parliament from the time appointed by the forsaid act; And also from the Fourteinth day of Aprill nixt to which it was Last adjourned untill the Twenty Sixth day of May nixt to come Hereby Requyreing all members to attend at Edinburgh the said day in the usuall way, and upon the accustomed Certificationes by Law appointed; And Wee hereby Certifie and intimat to all our Subjects, That wee are firmly Resolved our said Current parliament Shall Meett on the said twenty Sixth day of May nixt without any farder delay Our Will is Heirfore and wee Charge yow strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen yee pass to the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh; And to Marcat Crosses of the remanent head burghes of the Severall Shyres and Stewartries within this our3 ancient kingdome; And therat in our name and authority make publict intimation That our said parliament Is adjourned to the said twenty sixth day of May. And Ordaines these presents to be printed and published. Sic Subcscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 377-8.
2. The phrase ‘The same’ is an insertion.
3. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 377-8.
2. The phrase ‘The same’ is an insertion.
3. Insertion.