Att Edinburgh the Twentie one of July Jaj viic and two years
Act anent the New Levies and Drums beatting.
A Letter from the Queens Majestie to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Anent the New Levies being this day read in their presence was ordered to be Recorded and in obedience therinto The Saids Lords Doe hereby Allow the Collonells and officers of the New Levies for makeing up their Severall Complements to beat Drums and to And to take any other Method that may be effectuall (the Same being consistant with Law) And Recommends to the Lords of her Majesties thesaury to provid them when Levied with armes out of her Majesties Magazins And Recommends to and appoints Major Generall Ramsay Commander in Cheif of her Majesties forces within this kingdome to give the Necessar orders for Modelling two troops of the Viscount of Teviots Dragoons that were left into one troop to be designed in time comeing. Her Majesties Troop of Granadeer Gaurds, As also gives order and Warrant to the Said Commander in Cheif of her Majesties forces for Causeing take one Man out of each Company of Brigadeer Maitlands regiment; and to delyver them with the Armes to the Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh Her Majestie haveing thought fitt for her Service to Augment the Number of that Garison And the Councill ordaines ails to be extracted for that effect
1. NRS, PC1/52, 419-20.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 419-20.