Letter: from the Council, 13 March 1702 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Eodem Die Post Meridiem


Letter: from the Council

Letter from the Councill To The Duke of Queensberry and other members of privy Councill at Court

Letter from the Councill To the Duke of Queensbery and other Members of Councill at Court being Read was voted, approven, and Signed by the Chancelor and ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor followes.
Right Honorable
Wee have Received yours containeing the sadd Newes of the Removall of his late Majestie by death; a sore and afflicting Stroak to us and the true protestant intrest every wher Bot God is al sufficient; and wee have also a very refreshing account of her Majestie who now Reignes her acceptance of the Government.
And have accordingly been carefull to cause Record her Majesties Signed oath of Coronation with the attestation therof transmitted by your Lordships in the Records of Councill as a full verification of all by Law requisit in this matter
We have also been carefull after haveing taken the Oath of alledgance and Subscribeing the Same with the assurance to her Majestie; In the first place to proclame and publish her Majesties most Lawfull and undoubted right to the Imperiall Crown of this realme with all the due and usuall Solemnities; And then to Cause publish her Majesties gracious proclamation Transmitted by yow to us for continueing all offices and Commissiones till farder order.
Wee have Likewayes had under our Consideration the i7 Act of the Sixt Session of this Current parliament Entituled Act for the Securitie of the Kingdome and after Mature advisement Wee agree with your Lordships opinion; And have found by a vote upon the Matter That her Majestie may adjourn this present parliament within the twenty dayes mentioned in the said act So as it is not to meet and Sitt Immediatly after the Elapseing of the Said Twentie dayes And that this is consistent with the said act
2As for what concernes the Transport of the Regiments Commanded by Collonell Ferguson and Collonell Row; Wee have thought good to detaine them for some short time albeit they be Imbarqued; And for that end have given Such ane account to the principall Secretaries of State as that the Frigotts and their Captaines that have them on board may both be excused for the Stopt and allowed and enjoyed to observe the orders for debarqueing or such other orders as wee Shall Judge necessary for the kingdomes Securitie in this Surprizeing Juncture and of these particulars Wee hope you will give her Majestie a full and Satisfieing report.

Eodem Die Post Meridiem


Letter: from the Council

Letter from the Councill To The Duke of Queensberry and other members of privy Councill at Court

Letter from the Councill To the Duke of Queensbery and other Members of Councill at Court being Read was voted, approven, and Signed by the Chancelor and ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor followes.
Right Honorable
Wee have Received yours containeing the sadd Newes of the Removall of his late Majestie by death; a sore and afflicting Stroak to us and the true protestant intrest every wher Bot God is al sufficient; and wee have also a very refreshing account of her Majestie who now Reignes her acceptance of the Government.
And have accordingly been carefull to cause Record her Majesties Signed oath of Coronation with the attestation therof transmitted by your Lordships in the Records of Councill as a full verification of all by Law requisit in this matter
We have also been carefull after haveing taken the Oath of alledgance and Subscribeing the Same with the assurance to her Majestie; In the first place to proclame and publish her Majesties most Lawfull and undoubted right to the Imperiall Crown of this realme with all the due and usuall Solemnities; And then to Cause publish her Majesties gracious proclamation Transmitted by yow to us for continueing all offices and Commissiones till farder order.
Wee have Likewayes had under our Consideration the i7 Act of the Sixt Session of this Current parliament Entituled Act for the Securitie of the Kingdome and after Mature advisement Wee agree with your Lordships opinion; And have found by a vote upon the Matter That her Majestie may adjourn this present parliament within the twenty dayes mentioned in the said act So as it is not to meet and Sitt Immediatly after the Elapseing of the Said Twentie dayes And that this is consistent with the said act
2As for what concernes the Transport of the Regiments Commanded by Collonell Ferguson and Collonell Row; Wee have thought good to detaine them for some short time albeit they be Imbarqued; And for that end have given Such ane account to the principall Secretaries of State as that the Frigotts and their Captaines that have them on board may both be excused for the Stopt and allowed and enjoyed to observe the orders for debarqueing or such other orders as wee Shall Judge necessary for the kingdomes Securitie in this Surprizeing Juncture and of these particulars Wee hope you will give her Majestie a full and Satisfieing report.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 367-8.

2. The letter ‘A’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 367-8.

2. The letter ‘A’ scored out here.