Edinburgh 15 January 1702
Act in favours of Anna Livingstoune for Ceiting her Husband for ane Aliment
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Anna Livingstoun spous to Leivtenant Alexander Livingstoun indueller in Linlithgow Showeing That in reguard of the Cruell and barbarous usage the petitioner mett with from her husband while she did Cohabite with him, such as beatteing her to the ground effusion of her blood, thursteing the petitioner out of the house and threatneing to murder her though he should be hanged therafrae whereby she was dayly in hazard of her life the petitioner was forced to withdraw from him (in a very indegent Condition, haveing nothing to live wpon and haveing no allowance from him) In februij seventeen hunder and one, for my safety and have ever since lived seperately from him Abeit he gott ten thousand merks of portion with me And seing the saids Lords are in use to appoynt aliment for wifes that have been in her Circumstances out of their husbands means and Estate, and that her said Husband hes a Considerable fortune such as tenements and houses in Edinburgh, payeing towards eight hundreth merks of yearly rent, besyde seven or eight thousand merks of money and that the petitioners Case att the tyme is very pressing. for a supplie and Cannot admitt of a deley she being in a starveing Condition, and haveing no money to defray the Charges of all the forms of ane ordinarie persuit It was Therefore Craved the saids Lords would be pleased to take the petitioners Case to ther Gracious Consideration and to ordain the said Alexander Livingstoun the petitioners Husband to make payment to her of ane yearly aliment of fourhundreth merks scots att two terms in the year Whitesunday and martimes, be equall portions Commenseing from the said moneth of febrij seventeen hunder and one, and in tyme comeing, and to assign the petitioner to als much of the first and readiest of the yearly rents of his said tenements and houses in Edinburgh, as will satisfie and pay, her said yearly aliment, for her better security and payment of the same, and to grant warrand to macers or messengers att armes, to Intimat this her petition, to her said Husband, and to ordain him to ansuer wpon the Intimation, with Certification The petitioner not haveing money to Cary on any other proces, thereanent, and als to Grant warrand, for Citeing of witneses if need bees as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Anna Livingstoun they hereby allow the petitioner to raise letters for Citeing the above Livetenant Alexander Livingstoun her Husband To appear before ther Lordships wpon the […] day of […] for the Causes and to the effect above mentioned,
1. NRS, PC2/28, 153v-154r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 153v-154r.