Att Edinburgh 2d July 1702
Act In favours of Malcolm McNeill for Importing Catle from Ireland
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Malcom Mcneill in Bellemackskanlen, in the Kingdom of Irland, Showeing that were the petitioner, haveing gone out of Kintyre, to Irland, Imediatly after the revolution, and took a Considereable lace of lands, ther when that Kingdom was weast and haveing now taken some lands from the Duke of Argyle in Kintyre where he resolves to transport his stock, and in respect of the present prohibition he Cannot Transport the Same without ther Lordships Speciall warrand, And Therfore Craveing It might please the saids Lords to authorize the petitioner to transport from Irland to Kintyre two hundred Black Catle, four hundred sheep fourty horse and meirs belonging to the petitioner, and his tenants, for planteing the lands now taken by the petitioner In Kintyre as the said petition bears, Her majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of her majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them by Malcom Mackneill of Belliemakskanlen in the Kingdom of Irland, They doe hereby allow and authorize the petitioner to transport from Irland to Kintyre two hundred black Catle four hundred sheep fourty horses and meirs att the sight of the sheriff of Argyle, In Respect he hes given bond to the said sheriff and found sufficient Caution to the said sheriff, that he shall transport the shall transport2 the black Catle sheep horses and meires forsaids and no more
1. NRS, PC2/28, 174r-174v.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 174r-174v.
2. Sic.