Decreet, 17 November 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventeinth day of November Jaj viic and two years



Decreet Certification Her Majesties Advocat Against Sir Alexander Bruce

Anent the Lybell or letters of Complaint raised and pursued before the Lords of her majesties privy Councill be Sir James Stewart her majesties advocat by Speciall order from the saids Lords of privy Councill for her highnes intrest Makeing Mention That wher a Print bearing for title, A Speech in parliament of Scotland In relation to Presbyterian Government by S.A.B: was Exhibited at the Board to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill; And Complained of by her majesties advocat; as being both false in it Self; no Such Speech haveing at any time been made in the parliament of Scotland upon the said Subject, And Lykewayes containeing many disloyall and injurious reflectiones upon her Majesties Government and the present Establishment both of Church and State, The Saids Lords of her majesties privy Councill after reading therof in their presence Did appoint the Same as false Scandalous and villianous to be brunt by the hand of the hangman And farder observing That it bears in the title by S: A: B: As the initiall Letters for Sir Alexander Bruce And that it concludes with a post script; This Gentleman was expected the house by the remaineing part of this parliament; Which post script can be applyed to non Except the Said Sir Alexander who for Same insolent and injurious words against the establishment of presbyterian Government; tho neither for matter nor length Such as this false speech Containes was Justly expelled the parliament in June Last, Therfore the saids Lords by their act of the date the twentie eight day of July last Recommended to her Majesties advocat to Conveen the said Sir Alexander before the Saids Lords to disclame and purge himself of the forsaid false and villanous pamphlett; Or otherwayes to answer for the same As the author and Spreader therof and underly the Law for such a high and wicked offence In prosecution of the Which Recommendation her Majesties advocat Upon the representation of the premisses doeth most Justly Crave that the Said Sir Alexander may be vertue of a Lawfull Summonds be called and Sisted before the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill either to disclaime and purge himself as above Or if not to underlye the law according to his demerit for which end her Majesties advocat hath Likewayes given in to the Clerk a Just double of the forsaid print wher the said Sir Alexander may See it at pleasure; The print exhibited at the Councill board haveing been by the Saids Lords express appointment brunt and the forsaid Coppie Ordered by them to be taken for the end above specified And Anent the Charge given to the said defender To have Compeared personally before the saids Lords at ane Certaine day now bygone. To have answered to the forsaid Cmplaint and to have heard and seen such order and Course taken theranent as appertaines As in the said Lybell or letters of Complaint and execution therof at more length is contained The Which Lybell being this day called in presence of the saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill And the said Lord Advocat pursuer Compearing personally And the said Sir Alexander Bruce defender cited being Lawfully Summoned oft times called and not Compearing; The saids Lords Grants Certification against the said Sir Alexander Bruce defender In respect of his absence and not Compearing And Ordaines Letters of denunciation to be direct to messengers at armes Commanding them to pass to the marcat Cross of […] and there in her Majesties name and authority To duely Lawfully and orderly denunce the said Sir Alexander Bruce her Majesties rebell and put him to her highnes horne; And Ordaines all his Moveable goods and gear to be escheat and inbrought to her Majesties use for his Contempt and disobedience.

Att Edinburgh the Seventeinth day of November Jaj viic and two years



Decreet Certification Her Majesties Advocat Against Sir Alexander Bruce

Anent the Lybell or letters of Complaint raised and pursued before the Lords of her majesties privy Councill be Sir James Stewart her majesties advocat by Speciall order from the saids Lords of privy Councill for her highnes intrest Makeing Mention That wher a Print bearing for title, A Speech in parliament of Scotland In relation to Presbyterian Government by S.A.B: was Exhibited at the Board to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill; And Complained of by her majesties advocat; as being both false in it Self; no Such Speech haveing at any time been made in the parliament of Scotland upon the said Subject, And Lykewayes containeing many disloyall and injurious reflectiones upon her Majesties Government and the present Establishment both of Church and State, The Saids Lords of her majesties privy Councill after reading therof in their presence Did appoint the Same as false Scandalous and villianous to be brunt by the hand of the hangman And farder observing That it bears in the title by S: A: B: As the initiall Letters for Sir Alexander Bruce And that it concludes with a post script; This Gentleman was expected the house by the remaineing part of this parliament; Which post script can be applyed to non Except the Said Sir Alexander who for Same insolent and injurious words against the establishment of presbyterian Government; tho neither for matter nor length Such as this false speech Containes was Justly expelled the parliament in June Last, Therfore the saids Lords by their act of the date the twentie eight day of July last Recommended to her Majesties advocat to Conveen the said Sir Alexander before the Saids Lords to disclame and purge himself of the forsaid false and villanous pamphlett; Or otherwayes to answer for the same As the author and Spreader therof and underly the Law for such a high and wicked offence In prosecution of the Which Recommendation her Majesties advocat Upon the representation of the premisses doeth most Justly Crave that the Said Sir Alexander may be vertue of a Lawfull Summonds be called and Sisted before the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill either to disclaime and purge himself as above Or if not to underlye the law according to his demerit for which end her Majesties advocat hath Likewayes given in to the Clerk a Just double of the forsaid print wher the said Sir Alexander may See it at pleasure; The print exhibited at the Councill board haveing been by the Saids Lords express appointment brunt and the forsaid Coppie Ordered by them to be taken for the end above specified And Anent the Charge given to the said defender To have Compeared personally before the saids Lords at ane Certaine day now bygone. To have answered to the forsaid Cmplaint and to have heard and seen such order and Course taken theranent as appertaines As in the said Lybell or letters of Complaint and execution therof at more length is contained The Which Lybell being this day called in presence of the saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill And the said Lord Advocat pursuer Compearing personally And the said Sir Alexander Bruce defender cited being Lawfully Summoned oft times called and not Compearing; The saids Lords Grants Certification against the said Sir Alexander Bruce defender In respect of his absence and not Compearing And Ordaines Letters of denunciation to be direct to messengers at armes Commanding them to pass to the marcat Cross of […] and there in her Majesties name and authority To duely Lawfully and orderly denunce the said Sir Alexander Bruce her Majesties rebell and put him to her highnes horne; And Ordaines all his Moveable goods and gear to be escheat and inbrought to her Majesties use for his Contempt and disobedience.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 464-6.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 464-6.