Letter, 29 May 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Hollyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth of May Jaj viic and two years Called extraordinar



Letter from the Queen To The Councill for Declaring Warr against France and Spain

Letter from the Queen to the Councill for declareing Warr against France and Spaine Read and ordered to be recorded
Wherof the tenor follows.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and well beloved Councillors and trusty and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well. Wheras the preservation of the Liberties and Ballance of Europe haveing oblidged our Late Royall Brother King William of ever Glorious Memory to enter into Solemn treaties of Alliance with the Emperor of Germany; The States Generall of the Unnitted Provinces, and other princes and Potentates for reduceing the Exorbitant power of France And for their Mutuall defence against the French Kings unjust Usurpationes and incroachments he haveing taken possession of the greatest part of the Spanish dominions by his Armies, And haveing also Seazed the Spanish West Indies and the Most Important ports in Spaine by his fleets; And Exerciseing ane absolute authority over all the Spanish Monarchy every wher designeing to ruine the Liberties of Europe and to obstruct the freedome of Navigation and commerce; And in place of giveing that satisfaction which in Justice might have been expected; He has proceeded to Committ Severall violences and hostilities; And has also put on Us and our Dominions the greatest affront and indignity In takeing upon him to Declare and oun the Pretended Prince of Wales, As King of Scotland England and Ireland; And has also influenced Spain to concurr with him in this Indignity; For which causes wee have in prosecution of the fors and treaties with our Allies Declared War in all our other Dominions against France and Spain; And wee Considering that the Subjects of that our ancient kingdome of Scotland are equally concerned in the comon intrest of Europe; And they haveing fully expressed in their Royall Adresses to our late Royall brother their just resentments of the injurious proceedings of the French King in his owning the pretended prince of Wales As king of these our dominions; And being Sincible that our said Subjects have mett with Severall Obstructiones in their trade from France And that their were Severall hostilities and violences Committed by the Spanniards in time of peace against them, And wee relying upon the help and assistance of Almighty God in So good a cause and upon the Loyaltie and affection of our Subjects Wee doe therfore authorize and requyre yow upon the Causes above mentioned to publish in our name a declaration of Warr against France and Spain in the Maner and with all the Solemnity usuall on Such occasione, Requyreing and Commanding the Commander in Cheif of our forces; The Governours of our Forts and Garisones and all others our officers and Souldiers under them to execute all acts of Hostilitie against the Subjects of France and Spain, in prosecution of this Warr And Strictly prohibiting all the Subjects of that our kingdome to hold any Corrospondence or Communication with those of France or Spain For doeing wherof this Shall be your warrant And So wee bid yow heartily farewell. Given at our Court at St James’s the 12th day of May 1702 And of our reigne the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Seafeild.
The Councill Recommends to the Lord Advocat and Sir Gilbert Elliot one of their Clerks to prepair a proclamation in the termes of the said Letter against the morow at Eleven of the Cloak in the forenoon.

Att Hollyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth of May Jaj viic and two years Called extraordinar



Letter from the Queen To The Councill for Declaring Warr against France and Spain

Letter from the Queen to the Councill for declareing Warr against France and Spaine Read and ordered to be recorded
Wherof the tenor follows.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and well beloved Councillors and trusty and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well. Wheras the preservation of the Liberties and Ballance of Europe haveing oblidged our Late Royall Brother King William of ever Glorious Memory to enter into Solemn treaties of Alliance with the Emperor of Germany; The States Generall of the Unnitted Provinces, and other princes and Potentates for reduceing the Exorbitant power of France And for their Mutuall defence against the French Kings unjust Usurpationes and incroachments he haveing taken possession of the greatest part of the Spanish dominions by his Armies, And haveing also Seazed the Spanish West Indies and the Most Important ports in Spaine by his fleets; And Exerciseing ane absolute authority over all the Spanish Monarchy every wher designeing to ruine the Liberties of Europe and to obstruct the freedome of Navigation and commerce; And in place of giveing that satisfaction which in Justice might have been expected; He has proceeded to Committ Severall violences and hostilities; And has also put on Us and our Dominions the greatest affront and indignity In takeing upon him to Declare and oun the Pretended Prince of Wales, As King of Scotland England and Ireland; And has also influenced Spain to concurr with him in this Indignity; For which causes wee have in prosecution of the fors and treaties with our Allies Declared War in all our other Dominions against France and Spain; And wee Considering that the Subjects of that our ancient kingdome of Scotland are equally concerned in the comon intrest of Europe; And they haveing fully expressed in their Royall Adresses to our late Royall brother their just resentments of the injurious proceedings of the French King in his owning the pretended prince of Wales As king of these our dominions; And being Sincible that our said Subjects have mett with Severall Obstructiones in their trade from France And that their were Severall hostilities and violences Committed by the Spanniards in time of peace against them, And wee relying upon the help and assistance of Almighty God in So good a cause and upon the Loyaltie and affection of our Subjects Wee doe therfore authorize and requyre yow upon the Causes above mentioned to publish in our name a declaration of Warr against France and Spain in the Maner and with all the Solemnity usuall on Such occasione, Requyreing and Commanding the Commander in Cheif of our forces; The Governours of our Forts and Garisones and all others our officers and Souldiers under them to execute all acts of Hostilitie against the Subjects of France and Spain, in prosecution of this Warr And Strictly prohibiting all the Subjects of that our kingdome to hold any Corrospondence or Communication with those of France or Spain For doeing wherof this Shall be your warrant And So wee bid yow heartily farewell. Given at our Court at St James’s the 12th day of May 1702 And of our reigne the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Seafeild.
The Councill Recommends to the Lord Advocat and Sir Gilbert Elliot one of their Clerks to prepair a proclamation in the termes of the said Letter against the morow at Eleven of the Cloak in the forenoon.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 393-5.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 393-5.