Procedure, 12 March 1702 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

[12 March 1702] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



[Death of King William]

During the Sitting of the Councill; The Lord high Chancelor Received a packet from the hands of Collonell Row brought by him express from the Secretaries of State; Giveing the sad and deplorable accompt of his Majesties never enough to be Lamented death upon the Eight Instant in the Morning; And Containeing Likewayes ane Letter from her Majestie Queen Anne to the Lords with a proclamation inclosed Authorizeing the Lords of privy Councill and all Judges and officers Civill and Military to act by vertue of their former Commissiones untill New ones were sent.

[12 March 1702] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



[Death of King William]

During the Sitting of the Councill; The Lord high Chancelor Received a packet from the hands of Collonell Row brought by him express from the Secretaries of State; Giveing the sad and deplorable accompt of his Majesties never enough to be Lamented death upon the Eight Instant in the Morning; And Containeing Likewayes ane Letter from her Majestie Queen Anne to the Lords with a proclamation inclosed Authorizeing the Lords of privy Councill and all Judges and officers Civill and Military to act by vertue of their former Commissiones untill New ones were sent.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 356.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 356.