Procedure, 29 May 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Hollyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth of May Jaj viic and two years Called extraordinar



The Commissioner acquaints the Councill anent her Majesties2 resolution of making Prince George of Denmark Generallissimo

The Commissioner acquainted the Councill That it was her Majesties pleasure That Prince George of Denmark Should be Generallissimo of all her Majesties forces within this kingdome And that her Majestie would Shortly cause prepair a Commission for that effect; The Councill Gives Orders to Major Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheif. To Obey what orders he Shall receive from time to time from the said Prince George of Denmark as Generallissimo forsaid.

Att Hollyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth of May Jaj viic and two years Called extraordinar



The Commissioner acquaints the Councill anent her Majesties2 resolution of making Prince George of Denmark Generallissimo

The Commissioner acquainted the Councill That it was her Majesties pleasure That Prince George of Denmark Should be Generallissimo of all her Majesties forces within this kingdome And that her Majestie would Shortly cause prepair a Commission for that effect; The Councill Gives Orders to Major Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheif. To Obey what orders he Shall receive from time to time from the said Prince George of Denmark as Generallissimo forsaid.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 393.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 393.

2. Insertion.