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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh
1 January 1702
Procedure: Comittie anent Scot a false Coyner
Procedure: Committie anent the Earl of Seaforth
Procedure: Committie anent Allaster More
Act: Act allowing the Commissioners of Justiciary for the South district yet to qualifie themselves
6 January 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for Adjourning the parliament to the 14 Aprile nixt
Proclamation: Proclamation for Adjourning the parliament to the 14 Aprile nixt
8 January 1702
Warrant: Warrant for puting the Sentence of Death against Allaster More to execution
15 January 1702
Act: Act Commuting the Sentance against Allaster More from Death to Banishment
22 January 1702
Order: Order to the Macers to advertise the Committie anent the Mint
29 January 1702
Act: Act approveing the Imprisoneing of Patrick Lesly
Warrant: Warrant for delyvering Duncan Mcfarline to Captain Lander to be a souldier
Act: Act Liberating Patrick Lesslie Count of the Empyre.
5 February 1702
Procedure: Additionall Committie anent the Mint
9 February 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To the Councill anent some of the Troops within the kingdome, Their being Imployed abroad
Order: Recommendation to Generall Major Ramsay anent the Forces in the termes of his Majesties Letter
Procedure: Additionall Acommittie anent the Mint
Procedure: Recommendation to the advocat to draw a proclamation against deserters and resetters of them
10 February 1702
Proclamation: Proclamation anent deserters and their resetters
12 February 1702
Procedure: Additionall Committie anent false Coyners and Robbers
Procedure: Additionall Committee anent the Tunnage
16 February 1702
Warrant: Warrant for intering the Corps of Dame Elizabeth Sinclair in the Abbay Church.
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Stoping the marching to England the Viscount of Teviot's regiment
Warrant: Warrant for Stoping the Viscount of Teviots Regiment from Marching into England
17 February 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill anent the Marching of the Viscount of Teviot's regiment into England
Warrant: Warrant to Major Genll Ramsay to give the Necessary orders anent the Viscount of Teviots Dragoons
19 February 1702
Warrant: Warrant for Harwood and Craigmuir to be Justices of peace within the Shyre of Mid Lothian
Warrant: Warrant for adding Captain John Stewart to the Commission of Justiciary for the Northern district
Warrant: Warrant for Letters of intercomuneing The Lady Lovett against Beaufort
Judicial Proceeding: Letter of Intercomuneing The Lady Lovett against Fraser of Beaufort
26 February 1702
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury In favor of John Melvill for 50 £ Sterling
Procedure: Recommendation to the Commity anent the false Coyners to order the Essay master to melt down their Selver etc
3 March 1702
Warrant: Warrand prorogating the dyet for the Commissioners of Justiciary their qualifieing them selves to 15 May nixt
Warrant: Warrand for appending the privy Seall to the Chancelor Commission to Represent his majesties person in the Generall assembly
Warrant: Warrand to the Advocat to Raise a Lybell against the ventners
Procedure: Committee anent publict affairs dureing the ensueing vaccance
11 March 1702
Procedure: [Montgomery elected Preses]
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the secretary's and others to the Commission of the General Assembly of the kings great indisposition
Warrant: Warrand for stoping the Imbarqueing of Colls Row and Fergusons Regiments
Order: Order to Brigadeer Maitland for haveing his Garison in readiness
Letter: from the Council: Copie Letter by the Councill to Brigadeer Maitland
Order: Order for Livt Coll Arskine to repair to Dumbartoune Castle.
Order: Order to the Governour of the Castle of Stirling and his depute, to repair to the said Garison.
Order: Order to the Clerks of Councill to wryt to the Councillors to attend.
Order: Order to Captains Campbell and Grant to keep the peace
12 March 1702
Procedure: Recommendation to Earl of Leven and Lord Advocat to enquyre anent the store of Gunpowder etc
Order: Order to the Burghs Royall and Regality
Warrant: Warrand for Seizing Captain Cleilland, Captain of the Englishmen of War etc
12 March 1702 (pm)
Procedure: [Death of King William]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill upon her Majesties accession to the Crown
Letter: to the Council: Letter from the Secretaries anent the Queens taking the Coronation oath
Procedure: Coronation Oath
Procedure: committee appointed: Committee for drawing a proclamation to proclaime Queen Ann, Queen of Scotland
Procedure: committee formed: Committie to call for the Lyon anent the Solemnities usuall at proclamatione of Kings and Queens of Scotland
Order: Order to the Clerks to the Clerks to wryt out the oath of Alledgance
13 March 1702
Proclamation: Proclamation for proclameing Queen Anne, Queen of Scotland
Proclamation: Proclamation by Queen Anne for Authorizeing all persones to act by vertue of their former Commissiones untill new ones Sent
Procedure: The Councillors present, qualifie themselves, and took the Oath de fideli
Procedure: The Clerks of Councill Solicitors and Macers qualified
Procedure: Oath of alledgance taken By M: Genrall Ramsay and Lord Lyon etc
Procedure: Solemnity at Proclaimeing the Queen
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent the Sealls
Order: Order for printing the Queens Letter
Procedure: The Councillors names present appointed to be affixt to the proclamation of Queen Anne
Procedure: Resolution of the Councill anent adjourning of the parliament
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for drawing ane answer to her Majesties Letter
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Captain William Cleilland from his Areistment
13 March 1702 (pm)
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to The Queen
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill To The Duke of Queensberry and other members of privy Councill at Court
Warrant: Warrant for putting the pulpits in Mourning.
Procedure: Allowed the Lord Ross and Laird of Grant to advice again the nixt Sederunt whither they will signe the assurance yea or not
14 March 1702
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to the Earl of Northesk to Conveen the South district Commissioners of Justiciary in order to qualifie themselves
Warrant: The Lord Ross allowed to goe to Countrey
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury anent Some Powder
Procedure: Lord Ross and Laird of Grant Signed the assurance
16 March 1702
Act: Act and proclamation anent the Sealls Signets and Cashetts etc
Procedure: The Lord Aberurchill did qualifie himself to her Majestie
Procedure: The Earl of Northesk did qualifie himself to her Majestie
Warrant: Warrant for Robert Campbell younger of Carrick to qualifie himself before any Councillor.
Order: Recommendation to the Chancelor anent the two independent Companies and theives taken by them.
19 March 1702
Procedure: Additionall Committie for pressed men
Warrant: Warand for Souldiers to attend the Commissioners of Justiciary at Dunblaine
23 March 1702
Procedure: Kintoir and Forbes qualifie themselves as Councillors
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for Adjurning the parliament to the 26 May nixt
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen anent Row and Fergusons Regiments and the English Friggotts
Warrant: Warrant to Captain Cleilland to Send with the Regiments aboard his Friggotts
24 March 1702
Proclamation: [Proclamation adjourning Parliament]
Procedure: Committie anent Alaster Mores 3d and 4th Tryalls and Sentence theron
26 March 1702
Procedure: The Duke of Queensbery and and other members at Court qualifie themselves and Report to the Councill
Proclamation: Proclamation appointing all persons in publict trust etc to take the oath of alledgance and subscribe the same with the assurance
Act: Repryve Allaster More
Act: Repryve John Dow Mcallum and others
Act: [Protection to McDonald of Keppoch]
28 April 1702
Procedure: Additionall Committie anent pressed men
21 May 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for adjurning the parliament to the 9th June 1702
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament to the 9th June
Warrant: Warrant appointing the proclamation discharging forraign Copper or Brass to be Imported, to be again printed and published
29 May 1702
Procedure: [Commission In favour of James Duke of Queensberry]
Procedure: Commissio Gulielmi Marchionis De Annandale De Officio Secreti Sigilli Custodis
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for Admitting and receiveing Major Genll Ramsay to be a Councillor
Procedure: Commission In favors of Major Generall Ramsay to be Commander in Cheif
Procedure: Annandale, Seafeild, Mar Morton, Eglington, Finlator and Hyndford qualifie themselves as Councillors
Procedure: The Commissioner acquaints the Councill anent her Majesties resolution of making Prince George of Denmark Generallissimo
Letter: Letter from the Queen To The Councill for Declaring Warr against France and Spain
30 May 1702
Proclamation: Proclamation Declareing Warr against France and Spain
2 June 1702
Procedure: The Marquis of Lothian and Earl of Selkirk and Lord Strathnaver qualified as Councillors
Procedure: committee formed: Commity to enquyre into the Grouth of popery
11 June 1702
Warrant: Warrant for Interring the Corps of the Earl of Carnwath in the Abbay Church of Holyruidhouse
2 July 1702
Procedure: Recomendation to the Advocat to prepair a proclamation for taking the oath of Alledgance and Assurance
Letter: Letter from the Queen to the Commissioner and Councill for removeing the Earle of Selkirk from the office of Clerk Register etc
Procedure: Commission In favors of Robert Ballantyne to be a macer of Parliament; privy Councill and Exchequer etc
Warrant: Warrand to James Clerk to Engrave the Sealls and Signets
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for prepairing a new Commission of Justiciary for the Highlands
7 July 1702
Procedure: The Commissioner acquainted the Councill of his goeing to Court
Procedure: The Earl of Seafeild Secretary acquainted the Councill of his goeing to Court
10 July 1702
Commission: Commission To Mr Robert Douglas and Stewart of Burray To Be Stewarts of Orkney and Zetland
16 July 1702
Procedure: Commission In favors of John Hogg to be a Macer of parliament privy Councill and Exchequer
Procedure: Approbation of the report of Captain Johnstones Signeing the formula
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill for putting the Lawes in execution against Captain Simion Fraser
Act: Act In favors of the Lady Dowager of Lovat
Judicial Proceeding: Letters of Intercomuning, The Lady Lovat. against Frasers. and others
Procedure: The Viscount of Teviot qualified himself
20 July 1702
Warrant: Warrant for interring of the Corps of the Viscount of Strathallan in the Abbay-Church
Order: Recommendation to the Chancelor to wryt to the two Secretaries that the two Standars of Gold are found again.
21 July 1702
Procedure: The Councillors and their Clerks present qualified themselves
Proclamation: Proclamation appointing the Oath of alledgance and assurance to be taken.
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill Anent New Levies and Armes .
Act: Act anent the New Levies and Drums beatting.
Order: Recommendation to the former Commity anent Allaster More
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks for delyvering up to the President of Session two bonds granted to her Majesties Gen: receivers be Sir William Bining and his Cautioners and Sir Thomas Kenedy and his Cautioners, with ther presidents oun recept therfore on the said therof
23 July 1702
Procedure: Recommendation to Lord Rankeillor and Provest of Edinburgh to enquyre anent the money and bank Notes in Niccoll Spence hand of the Contribution money for Ransomeing Skiper Simpson and Crew
Act: Act of Banishment Allaster More
28 July 1702
Warrant: Warrant for burning a paper at the Cross of Edinburgh by the hands of the Hangman Entituled a Speech in the parliament of Scotland in relation to the presbyterian Government by S:A:B:
Warrant: Warrant for takeing off the restraint upon Gun powder
Decreet: Decreit of Deprivation The Agent for the Kirk against Mr James Cheyne
Procedure: Earls of Crafurd: Mar and Lauderdale qualifie themselves
30 July 1702
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a process against John Luckney.
Order: Recommendation To the Thesaury In favors of Sir Gilbert Elliot; for goeing to Berwicke
Warrant: Warrand for Cutting etc the Signetts of Councill and Session
4 August 1702
Act: Act In favors of The Lady Lovat and her husband
Warrant: Warrant for Selling the acts of the last Session of parliament for 20 Shilling Scots
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the Post-office
Warrant: [Warrant anent horses at Portpatrick]
Warrant: Warant to the Clerk of Councill to mark the Comission of Justiciary for the Highland as read and aproven in Councill
Act: Act and Recommendation In favours of William Boyle and partners
Warrant: Warrant for the Clerks to delyver up Alaster Mores proces to the Lord Forbes
Procedure: Committie for publict occurances dureing the ensueing vaccance
8 August 1702
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the Pole
14 August 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen To the Councill for desolveing this Current parliament
Proclamation: [Proclamation for dissolving parliament]
Order: Recomendation to the Thesaury In favors of James Clerk Engraver
Act: Act In favors of the Lady Lovatts
Act: Act The Earle Marishall anent Allaster More
8 September 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill for calling a new parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for Calling a New parliament
Warrant: Warand for publishing the proclamation for calling a new parliament and to the Solicitor for transmitting Copies therof
Order: Recommendation to the Advocat to thank Brigadeer Maitland etc in the Councills name
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a Lybell against Hepburn and Todd Ministers
24 September 1702
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent the Lady Lovat and her daughter
Order: Recommendation to Major General Ramsay to send forces to Inverness for apprehending John Fraser and others
Procedure: committee formed: Committy for inspecting the Records of parliament and other Registers anent the Union
Act: Act appointing Ministers etc to take the oath of alledgance and assurance
Act: Act for prorogating the dyet for the Commissioners of Supply ther qualifieing themselves
Warrant: Warrant for Choiseing a Member of parliament in the burgh of Kirkaldy
Procedure: Commission Infavors of Prince George of Denmark to be Generallissimo
25 September 1702
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury In favors of the Clerk Register and Clerks of parliament and Session there servants
Order: Recommendation to the thesaury to Provide Powder etc for the Castles of Edinburgh Stirling and Dumbarton and forces etc
Procedure: Commissio pro Unione Tractanda inter regna Scotiis et Angliis
Letter: Letter from the Queen anent the Union and Discharging Councillors etc to leave the kingdome
27 October 1702
Procedure: Earl of Crafurd elected preses
Procedure: Provest of Edinburgh received a privy Councillor and qualifie himself etc
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for Adjurning the parliament to the 6 Aprile nixt
Proclamation: Proclamation for Adjourning the parliament to the 6th Aprile nixt
17 November 1702
Warrant: Warand to the Clerks to keep the instruments of false Coyne
Act: Act appointing the Oath of alledgance and assurance Sworne and Signed by the Duke of Lennox to be renewed
Decreet: Decreet Certification Her Majesties Advocat Against Sir Alexander Bruce
1 December 1702
Procedure: : Commissio Jacobi Comitis De Seafeild De Officio Supremi Cancelar regni Scotiae
Procedure: : Commissio Georgii Vice comitis de Tarbat De Officio unius ex principalibus Status Secretariis pro regno Scotius
Procedure: : Commissio, Domini Jacobi Murray de Philiphaugh De Officio Clericorii Registrorii
Procedure: : Recommendation to the Earl of Northesk appoint a day for the Commissioners of Supply of the Shyre of Forfar to qualifie themselves
3 December 1702
Procedure: : Commissionis Thomas Pringle Scribis Signeto de Officio Unius ex duobus Clericis Secretaris Concilii
Order: : Recommendation to Arburghill and Meggins to take Mr Moncreif late Clerk and his Servant their oathes
8 December 1702
Procedure: : The Earl of Seafeild qualified as Chancelor.
Procedure: : The Viscount of Tarbat qualified himself as one of the two Secretaries of State.
Procedure: : David Nairn Esquire qualified as Secretary depute
Procedure: : Exonoration to Mr David Moncreif as Clerk of privy Councill
Warrant: : Warant for Recording the Extract of her Majesties Letter to the Thesaury In favors of the Lord Advocat with his Declaration theranent
Letter: from the Council: : Letter to the Thesaury In favors of her Majesties advocat
Procedure: : Declaration The Lord Advocat of his Laying asyde all pleadings in privat affairs before the Councill in the termes of her majesties Letter and his Lordships proposall
Decreet: : Decreit of Deprivation The Agent for the Kirk and her Majesties Advocat against Mr Robert Caddell intruder at old Aberdeen
10 December 1702
Procedure: committee formed: : Committy for inquyring anent the Grouth of popery in the North country
17 December 1702
Warrant: : Warant to the Sherif deput of Hadingtoune to Intimat to the Commissioners of Supply within the said Shyre to meett and lay on and proportion the Cess and qualifie themselves
24 December 1702
Procedure: : [Eglington elected Preses]
Procedure: : Commission for The Marques of Annandale to be Lord president of privy Councill
Procedure: : Commissio Joannis Comitis de Tullibarni De officio Domini Custodii Secreti Sigilli regni Scotius
Warrant: : Warrant to the Earl of Eglington and Lord Advocat to administrat the formula to the Lord Semple
Procedure: : The Formula taken by The Lord Sempill
Warrant: : Warant to the Lord Advocat to Administrat the Oathes to Mr Alexander Wedderburne Advocat
Warrant: : Warrant to the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Stirling to meet and proportion the cess etc
31 December 1702
Procedure: : [Eglinton elected Preses]
Procedure: : Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to the Shirriff[s] of the respective Shyres to Conveen the Commissioners of Supply and proportion their Cess
Procedure: : Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to Brigadeer Maitland or the Comandent at Invernes anent the Earl of Seaforth and others
Act: : Act Prorogating the time of transporting Allaster More
1 January 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
6 January 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
8 January 1702
Act: Act for a voluntar Contribution for building St Leonards Colledge
15 January 1702
Act: Act for a voluntar Contribution for building ane harbour at Lossiemouth Near Elgine
Act: Act John Moncreif
Act: Act in favours of Anna Livingstoune for Ceiting her Husband for ane Aliment
22 January 1702
Act: Act In favours of Baillie of Jervisood to geet up his papers
29 January 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
5 February 1702
Act: Act In favours of Barklay of Cullairnie, anent the bailliary of Lindores
9 February 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
10 February 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
12 February 1702
Act: Act In favours of Sir David Dalrumple and James Steven for puting ane pavilion Roofe on ther houses in the parliament Closs
Act: Act for ane Bais Manufactory at Air
16 February 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
17 February 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
19 February 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
26 February 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
3 March 1702
Act: Act In favours of the Earl of Cassills and Magistrats of Maybeoll
Act: Act for ane Aliment to Janet Bruce lady Auchinbuy
7 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
12 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
13 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
14 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
16 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
19 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
23 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
24 March 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
28 April 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
21 May 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
29 May 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
30 May 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
2 June 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
7 June 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
2 July 1702
Decreet: Decreet the Countes of Sutherland against James Whyte
Act: Act In favours of Malcolm McNeill for Importing Catle from Ireland
Order: Recommendation to the thesaury In favours of the 4 Macers of Session
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury in favours of the 3 Macers of Councill
Act: Act for delyvering up the Laird of Rothimay to Grant Cockstoune and Mr Archibald Ogilvie
7 July 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
8 July 1702
Act: Act in favours of the Earl of Kintore for burning the book emitted by Barras at the Cross by the hands of the Hangman
Act: Act In favours of the Earl of Hoptoune Dischargeing any exaction at the Bridge of Clyde
Act: Act In favours the Master of the Glass manufactory at Leith and for Exacting three shillings sterling for the Custom of ther Botles etc
Act: Act In favours of the Magistrats of Culross for receaving them Cautioners for others in ane Councell suspension Lawburrowes
10 July 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
16 July 1702
Order: Recommendation to the thesaury In favours of the Keepers of the Parliament house
20 July 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
21 July 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
23 July 1702
Act: Act In favours of the Earl of Kintore for a Dilligence to Ceit witneses
28 July 1702
Act: Act for puting ane Plain and flate roofe over the Exchange and noe other
Decreet: Decreet for Alexander McKeinzie against Sinclair of Ratta
Act: Act In favours of Sinclair and other witneses
Act: Act in favours of Mary Harbotle for ane vacant Stipend
Act: Act for ane generall Contribution to the Distresed Inhabitants of Leith who suffered by the Late deadfull fyre
Judicial Proceeding: Protestation Grant against Cuming for not produceing the suspension
30 July 1702
Decreet: Decreet the Earle of Kintore against Ogilvie of Barras
Decreet: Decreit Baillie Robertson against Patrick Hay
Decreet: Decreet The Viscountes of Frendraught against James Crightoune
Order: Recommendatione to the thesaury in favours of Robert Morison and William Keith
4 August 1702
8 August 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
14 August 1702
Act: Act In favours of Thomas Master Henry and John Robertsones
Act: Act and warrand Infavours of John Hay
8 September 1702
Act: Act Infavours of the Earle of Marr
Decreet: Decreit Vallange Against McEwan
25 September 1702
Act: Act Infavours of Alexander Broun
27 October 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
10 November 1702
Act: Act In favours of Robert Arbuthnet
Act: Act Infavours of William and John Irvings
12 November 1702
Warrant: Warrand for apprehending Sir David Cunynghame
17 November 1702
Act: Act Infavours of Edward Wallace
Decreet: Decreit, Deprevation William McCalla Against Alexander Edgar and others etc
19 November 1702
Act: Act Infavours off Alexander Dumbar of Bishopemilne
24 November 1702
Act: Act Infavours off Margaret Turnibull
26 November 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
1 December 1702
Decreet: Decreit The Earle off Leven Against The Toun Councill off Kirkcaldy
Act: Act Infavours off William Patton
Act: Act Infavours off The Toun Councill off Coupar
Act: Act Continueing Mistres Jean Wallace former aliment
3 December 1702
Act: Act Infavours of Mr George Erskine Baillie of Alloa
8 December 1702
Decreet: Decreit the Lord Montgomry Against McTaggart
Act: Act Infavours off The Magistrats and Toun Councill off Coupar
10 December 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
15 December 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
17 December 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]
24 December 1702
Procedure: [Note of no business]