[12 March 1702] Eodem Die Post Meridiem
Letter: to the Council
Letter from the Secretaries anent the Queens taking the Coronation oath
Letter from the Secretaries with the Corronation oath taken by her Majestie Read and appointed to be Recorded Wherof the tenor followes
Whithall March 8th 1702
My Lords
It haveing pleased God to remove by Death his Royall Majestie King William at Eight acloak this morning: The Queen did think fitt to appoint us who are of her Majesties privy Councill to meet at her Royall Palace of St James’s, Wee haveing accordingly gone their this afternoon Her Majestie was pleased to Signifie to us her resolutiones to take and Signe the Coronation Oath, and to assume the Government now devolved upon her by the Death of the King; And to which her Majestie has unquestionable right by the act of Stetlment; Wee did in Complyance with her Majesties Commands Read in her presence the clame of right and Grivances; And did also present to her Majestie The Coronation Oath which She was pleased to Swear and Signe before Us; as will appear by the said oath Signed by her Majestie, and our declaration Subjoyned therto.
Her Majestie was ther after pleased to Signe the Letter and proclamation herewith sent to your Lordships That it is her pleasure That before publishing the for said proclamation; yow cause with the usuall Solemnities and according to the formes prescribd by Law, proclame her Majestie Queen of her Ancient Kingdome of Scotland And wee doubt not but your Lordships will performe this with all expedition.
Her Majestie had also under her Royall Consideration the 17th act of the Sixth Session of her Majesties Current parliament; Entituled; Act for the2 Security of the Kingdome; And did ask our oppinions if it was indispensably necessary That the parliament Should meett within twenty dayes after this being That now at her first accession to the Crown her Majestie is ingadged in Multiplicity of affairs; And the time is So short that it is Impossible either for her Majesties Subjects of the kingdom of Scotland who are here or these who Live in the remote and distant places of the kingdome to be at Edinburgh So Soon; Wee did think that it was clear by the act3 That it was her Majesties prerogative to adjourne the parliament to a longer time: It being plainly Limited and exprest in these words (Unless sooner adjourned or disolved by the forsaid nixt heir Succeeding as said is) And the last clause of the act does furder Clear this point, Wherby it is declared, That nothing Contained in this act Shall extend to be understood to extend to alter or anywayes restrict the prerogative of the King his heirs or Successors or his and their power to Call, adjourne, and Disolve parliaments And wee told her Majestie That wee did not doubt but your Lordships would be of the same opinion, And Therfore her Majestie was pleased to Command us to Lay this matter before yow and to requyre your Speedy returne and answer therto.
Her Majestie does Leave it to your Lordships to Consider if it be Necessary for the Security of the Government That for some short time; The Regiments Commanded by Collonell Row and Collonell Ferguson be Stopt; if they be not already sailed. But if yow think ther be no appearance of present danger; Her Majestie inclunes they be dispatched Conforme to former orders being Immediatly therafter Resolved to grant new Commissions for regiments to be Levied in their place; Wee have given yow this account by her Majesties Command; And wee are. My Lords. Your Lordships most humble Servants Sic Subscribitur Queensberie Argyll Lothian, Seafeild. Hyndfoord, Mar. Mortone Eglington; Teviot. Strathnaver.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 358-9.
2. Insertion.
3. The word ‘of parliament’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 358-9.
2. Insertion.
3. The word ‘of parliament’ scored out here.