Act, 10 March 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act James Donaldson Gazetteer to print buriall Letters

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be James Donaldson Merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That the petitioner hath fallen upon a device for printing or Stamping in a fine wryt Charracter after another maner then is Commonly used on Copper plates by raiseing the said Character on 2 ingotts of brass much after the fashion of Printing types, By which means words may be Charged according as the Subject doeth requyre, and does humbly conceive to cause ingrave and Imploy so much of the said Character as may Serve for buriall Letters may be profitable and Convenient for the leidges severall wayes for the diverse Competationes, Titular words, names of persones and places from to hence, And to which the Corpses are to be transported may be Charged to the Imployers their Satisfaction, By this device the leedges may be both Chaper and Sooner served then ordinar, Buriall Letters being oft times in haste, Besides the decencie and Ornament of a border of Skeletons Mortheads and other emblems of Mortality Which the petitioner hath so Contrived that it may be added or abstracted at pleasure These and severall other advantages to the leidges without doubt may be found in the use of the said device Which was humbly offered to the saids Lords Consideration Who have allwayes given Suitable encouradgment to what the saids Lords hade seen Convenient to the leidges as it was hoped this would be found And Therfore humbly Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties of privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above James Donaldson They hereby allow the petitioner and his heirs and assigneyes to make use of the above device for printing or Stamping And Discharges any other persones to make use of the same for the Space of Nyntein years Commenceing from the day and date hereof without speciall Warrand from the petitioner or his heirs assigneyes or Representatives hade and obtained for that effect under the penaltie of Forfaulting all these to be made by them to the petitioner and five hundred merks of penaltie by and attour the said forfaulture.

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act James Donaldson Gazetteer to print buriall Letters

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be James Donaldson Merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That the petitioner hath fallen upon a device for printing or Stamping in a fine wryt Charracter after another maner then is Commonly used on Copper plates by raiseing the said Character on 2 ingotts of brass much after the fashion of Printing types, By which means words may be Charged according as the Subject doeth requyre, and does humbly conceive to cause ingrave and Imploy so much of the said Character as may Serve for buriall Letters may be profitable and Convenient for the leidges severall wayes for the diverse Competationes, Titular words, names of persones and places from to hence, And to which the Corpses are to be transported may be Charged to the Imployers their Satisfaction, By this device the leedges may be both Chaper and Sooner served then ordinar, Buriall Letters being oft times in haste, Besides the decencie and Ornament of a border of Skeletons Mortheads and other emblems of Mortality Which the petitioner hath so Contrived that it may be added or abstracted at pleasure These and severall other advantages to the leidges without doubt may be found in the use of the said device Which was humbly offered to the saids Lords Consideration Who have allwayes given Suitable encouradgment to what the saids Lords hade seen Convenient to the leidges as it was hoped this would be found And Therfore humbly Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties of privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above James Donaldson They hereby allow the petitioner and his heirs and assigneyes to make use of the above device for printing or Stamping And Discharges any other persones to make use of the same for the Space of Nyntein years Commenceing from the day and date hereof without speciall Warrand from the petitioner or his heirs assigneyes or Representatives hade and obtained for that effect under the penaltie of Forfaulting all these to be made by them to the petitioner and five hundred merks of penaltie by and attour the said forfaulture.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 201r-202r.

2. An illegible word scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 201r-202r.

2. An illegible word scored out here.