[15 September 1699] Post meridiem
Proclamation Regulating Severall particulars anent the Pole, and Intimating the next years pole
Proclamation Regulating Severall particulars anent the Pole and Intimating the next years Pole. Being Read was voted approven and Signed. wherof the tenor Follows.
William By the Grace of God, King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill, Messengers att armes our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctly and Severally Specialy constitute greeting. Forasmuchas The First years pole-money, Imposed by ane act of the last Session of this our current parliament, is not duely and Completely payed into the Tacksmen or farmers thereof, by Sundry persones lyable in payment of the same, notwithstanding of the forsaid act of Parliament and severall proclamationes of our privy Councill past and published thereanent, But severall Doubts and difficulties are alleadged and pretended before the severall magistrats and others appointed as Judges, Betwixt the saids Tacks-men and Farmors, and any of our Leidges anent the payment of the said pole-money, wherby the diligence allowed by the forsaid act of Parliament For raising and Inbringing of the Forsaid pole-money is very much obstructed and delayed. For Remeed whereof, We with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Appoint and ordain all the ministers of the Gospell, and women unmarried, who are of Free Stock and means, in the termes of the forsaid act of Parliament, To be lyable in their Single pole, alse well as any other of our Leidges. And That where there is a widow Liferentrix and fiar upon one and the same Estate, That the fiar be lyable in polemoney conform to his valued Rent, mentioned in the forsaid act of Parliament, and the widow to be lyable, to a Third-pairt of what her husband would have paid, if polled the time of his decease; And Sicklike all Heretors below Sixty pounds of valued Rent and off a Thousand merks of Free Stock or upwards, besides their saids Lands, should be lyable in pole money Effeir and to the Rate of their said stock, Item That all persones out off the Kingdom, having ane Estate Real or moveable within the Same, to be lyable in polemoney according to the value therof in the terms and conform to the respective Classes, and Charactors, Factors or Chamberlains may be conveened For payment of the Single pole, For which the said absent persons are Lyable accordingly unless the saids persones were out off the Kingdom Fourty days before The Thirty First day of august Jaj vic nynty Eight years, and did not Return to the same For fourty days after the First day of march, Jaj vic nynty nyne years; And Sicklike That all persones not writers to the Signet who design themselves writers, or commonly practises writing of Bonds Discharges or the Like, be lyable conform to the Forsaid act of Parliament. And we with advice forsaid Require and Command The Sheriffs of the Severall Shires, Magistrats of Burghs, Commissioners of Supply, Stewarts of Stewartries, Baillies of Regalities or Barronies, or their respective Deputs, and all others persones authorized by any of our former Proclamations, To proceed and determine in the caices above sett-Down in manner above mentioned, and That they and Each of them Keep courts and hold days att the head Burghs of the respective Shires, Stewartries and Regalities, For decideing all differences Betwixt the saids Tacksmen and our Leidges anent their Pole-money, and That how oft they shall be desired and Required by the saids Tacksmen, For that Effect and That they shall not proceed to Judge, and determine any differences anent the Pole-money, Except at the saids respective head Burghs allenarly, unless the saids Tacksmen, their sub-tacks-men or Collectors Shall desire the same or Consent therto, And Forasmuchas The time For stateing and Classing all persones lyable in the second years pole Imposed by the Twenty Fifth act of the last Session of this current Parliament doth approach, And That it is necessary our Leidges have due Intimation therof, To the Effect they may prevent their being Lyable to the certificationes contained in the act of Parliament made thereanent: Therefore we with advice forsaid, Require and Command all our Leidges whose conditions or Characters are allowed, or who did not duely class themselves, in the last years Pole, now to Class themselves and give in the List of their Poles, under the certification as For the former years, and whose conditiones are not altered as said is, Free of new classing and listing, but still lyable as classed the said last year; And The Commissioners of Supply are to meet, and divide themselves, and doe Every other thing anent the Stateing Classing as above, and Inbringing of the aforsaid polemoney For this Ensueing year, as they were appointed by the Forsaid act of Parliament anent the last years pole-money, and this present, or any other Former Proclamation past and published thereanent. All which are heirby revived and declared to be in Full Force and Effect. In Reference to all persones and things theirin contained, For stateing as above uplifting and paying the said Pole-money for this Ensueing year, Sicklike and in the same manner, as they were For the pole-money in the year preceeding. Our Will is Heirfore and we charge yow Strictly and Command, That Incontinent these our Letters Seen ye pass To the mercat cross of Edinburgh and Remanent mercat Crosses of the haill head Burghs of the severall Shires and Stewartries with this Kingdom, and There in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation heirof, That none may pretend Ignorance, And ordains thir presents to be printed and published, Given under our Signet att Edinburgh The Fifteenth day of September, and of our Reign the Eleventh year. i699 Sic Subscributur.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 30-2.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 30-2.