Att Edinburgh The Second day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years
Act The Earle of Annandale for a Stipend
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be William Earle of Annandale patron of the paroch kirk of Wamphrey Shewing That wher the said paroch kirk of Wamprey had been vaccant these severall years bygone viz Frae Whitsunday Jaj vic Eightie Nyne to Mertinmass Jaj vic Nyntie thrie, and again from Whitsunday Jaj vic Nyntie fyve to mertinmass Jaj vic Nyntie six years, Wherby not only the Manse and haill office housses and yeard dykes belonging therto are become altogither ruinouse and fallen to the ground, Bot also the kirk it self is become to decayed and ruinous that the samen will inevtiably fall to the ground if not Speedily prevented and repaired, and the vaccant Stipends of the said paroch being a proper fond for defraying the expences of such a necessar and pious work as the rebuilding of the Manse and office houses and yeard dykes belonging therto, and the rebuilding at least repairing the kirk it self and kirk yeard dykes which Cannot be weell done without the said Lords warrand and authority for uplifting and applying the samen to the ends forsaid And Therfore Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by the said Earle of Annandale patron of the kirk of Wamphrey They hereby Allow the vaccant Stipend of the said kirk of Wamphrey to be uplifted and Imployed for the space following viz from Whitsunday Jaj vic Eightie Nyne to Mertimiss Jaj vic Nyntie thrie years and from Whitsunday Jaj vic nyntie fyve to Mertinmass Jaj vic nyntie six years, And hereby gives Warrand and Commission to George Johnstone of Girth head stewart deput of Anandale to intromitt with and uplift the vaccand Stipends forsaids of the said kirk for the years and space abovementioned To be applied by him at sight of the said Earle of Annandale for rebuilding and repairing of the said kirk and manse and office houses and dykes, and Decernes and Ordaines the said George Johnstone to be readily answered obeyed and payed of the forsaids vaccant stipends of the said kirk by the heritors fewars Wodsetters liferentars titulars taxmen of teynds tenents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said vaccant Stipends dureing the Space forsaid, Ordaines Letters of horning to be direct hereon on fiftein dayes under the Signet of Councill at the instance of the said George Johnstone against the heritors fewers Wadsetters and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said vaccant Stipends Conforme to ane act interloquitor or decreet of the Lords Commissioners for plantatione of Kirks and valluatione of teynds given and pronunced by them upon the first day of March instant upon a report of a Comittie of their oun number to which the forsaid act interloquitor or decreet does relate.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 192v-193v.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 192v-193v.