Act, 27 July 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie Seventh of July Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act Samwell McClelland

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Samuell McClelland Merchant in Edinburgh, Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing Long before ther was any word of the late prohibitione in their comone Course of trade Comissioned severall parcells of goods amongst which ther is broad Cloath worsett Stuffs and Stockings now prohibited It was humbly represented to the saids Lords that ther would be no designe in the petitioner to anticipat or frustrat the said act of Councill Because the goods were all Commissioned and bought in May last and were shipped from London before the date of the proclamatione as can be made appear by bills of parcells and loadning to the satisfaction of any of the saids Lords number, That shall be appointed to inspect the Same, and farder the Ship was cleared at the Custome house and sailled from London severall dayes before the prohibition all which was intimat to the Custom house officers of Leith and instruments taken therupon And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to their Consideratione and to declare the same to be Lyable to no seizure, Bot to allow the petitioners to Import the saids Cloaths Stuffs and Stockings and to grant warrand to the officers of the Custome house of Leith to admitt the same to ane entrie as the said petition bears, Which petition being upon the twelth day of the said moneth of July instant read in presence of the saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill They by their delyverance theron Nominated and and appointed a Committie of their oun number to Consider the said petition and to see the severall instructiones thereof And Recommended to the Committie to make their report to the Councill how farr they find the said petitione instructed and what part therof is not instructed And the said Committie haveing accordingly mett upon the twentie one day of this said moneth and year and made their report to the Councill And the saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing this day Considered the said petitione with the report of the Committie made therupon They hereby Declare the goods after insert in the said petitioner his oath and inventar underwrittin to be lyable to no Seazure, And Discharges the Taxsmen and officers of the Custome house under them to seaze therupon Bot allowes him to transport the Same to any port or harbour furth of this kingdome and that in respect the petitioner before extracting hereof hath Compeared before George Home of Kello present Lord Provest of Edinrbugh and one of his majesties privy Councill and made inventar and given his Oath that the goods of the Foraigne woollen Manufactory Imported by him from London are as Followes Viz N:300: 12 yards fyne mixt Spanish Cloath, N:10. Twentie yeards Super Spanish mixt ditto N:51: Twelve yeards Super fyne dito N:1306 Ten yeards Super fine dito No 2850 Threttein yeards ditto, No: 477 Thretein and half yeards dito No 843 Twenty yeards super fine Spanish black No 842 Twenty yeards dito finer, Twelve yeards blew bay and alse In respect the petitioner hath given bond and found Sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That he Shall transport the saids goods abovewryten insert in his oath furth of this kingdome betwixt and the […] day of […] under the penaltie of the value of the saids goods belonging to the petitioner and discharges any part of the saids goods to be taken out of the toune of Leith and Ordaines them to lye in the custome house ther till they be transported furth of this kingdome as said is.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie Seventh of July Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act Samwell McClelland

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Samuell McClelland Merchant in Edinburgh, Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing Long before ther was any word of the late prohibitione in their comone Course of trade Comissioned severall parcells of goods amongst which ther is broad Cloath worsett Stuffs and Stockings now prohibited It was humbly represented to the saids Lords that ther would be no designe in the petitioner to anticipat or frustrat the said act of Councill Because the goods were all Commissioned and bought in May last and were shipped from London before the date of the proclamatione as can be made appear by bills of parcells and loadning to the satisfaction of any of the saids Lords number, That shall be appointed to inspect the Same, and farder the Ship was cleared at the Custome house and sailled from London severall dayes before the prohibition all which was intimat to the Custom house officers of Leith and instruments taken therupon And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to their Consideratione and to declare the same to be Lyable to no seizure, Bot to allow the petitioners to Import the saids Cloaths Stuffs and Stockings and to grant warrand to the officers of the Custome house of Leith to admitt the same to ane entrie as the said petition bears, Which petition being upon the twelth day of the said moneth of July instant read in presence of the saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill They by their delyverance theron Nominated and and appointed a Committie of their oun number to Consider the said petition and to see the severall instructiones thereof And Recommended to the Committie to make their report to the Councill how farr they find the said petitione instructed and what part therof is not instructed And the said Committie haveing accordingly mett upon the twentie one day of this said moneth and year and made their report to the Councill And the saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing this day Considered the said petitione with the report of the Committie made therupon They hereby Declare the goods after insert in the said petitioner his oath and inventar underwrittin to be lyable to no Seazure, And Discharges the Taxsmen and officers of the Custome house under them to seaze therupon Bot allowes him to transport the Same to any port or harbour furth of this kingdome and that in respect the petitioner before extracting hereof hath Compeared before George Home of Kello present Lord Provest of Edinrbugh and one of his majesties privy Councill and made inventar and given his Oath that the goods of the Foraigne woollen Manufactory Imported by him from London are as Followes Viz N:300: 12 yards fyne mixt Spanish Cloath, N:10. Twentie yeards Super Spanish mixt ditto N:51: Twelve yeards Super fyne dito N:1306 Ten yeards Super fine dito No 2850 Threttein yeards ditto, No: 477 Thretein and half yeards dito No 843 Twenty yeards super fine Spanish black No 842 Twenty yeards dito finer, Twelve yeards blew bay and alse In respect the petitioner hath given bond and found Sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That he Shall transport the saids goods abovewryten insert in his oath furth of this kingdome betwixt and the […] day of […] under the penaltie of the value of the saids goods belonging to the petitioner and discharges any part of the saids goods to be taken out of the toune of Leith and Ordaines them to lye in the custome house ther till they be transported furth of this kingdome as said is.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 230v-231v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 230v-231v.