Procedure, 13 June 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth day of June Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years



Committee For considering the Acts of parliament anent quartering of Souldiers

The Councill nominates and Appoints The Earle of Melvill Lord President of privy Councill, The Duke of Queensberrie, The Earles of Lauderdale and Annandale and The Lord Thesaurer Depute, To be a Committee for Considering the acts of parliament made anent quartering of Souldiers and officers, And To hear Bailie Duncan in Dundee, and the officers of that pairt of Colonell Rows Regiment who are quartered att Dundee upon the saids Acts, And declares any Two of the said Committee to be a Sufficient quorum. And Recomends to them to meet tomorrow at Ten in the forenoon, And To make their Report to the Councill with their Conveniency.

Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth day of June Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years



Committee For considering the Acts of parliament anent quartering of Souldiers

The Councill nominates and Appoints The Earle of Melvill Lord President of privy Councill, The Duke of Queensberrie, The Earles of Lauderdale and Annandale and The Lord Thesaurer Depute, To be a Committee for Considering the acts of parliament made anent quartering of Souldiers and officers, And To hear Bailie Duncan in Dundee, and the officers of that pairt of Colonell Rows Regiment who are quartered att Dundee upon the saids Acts, And declares any Two of the said Committee to be a Sufficient quorum. And Recomends to them to meet tomorrow at Ten in the forenoon, And To make their Report to the Councill with their Conveniency.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 581.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 581.