Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth day of Aprile Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act For disbanding and Reduceing of the forces
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill In obedience to his Majesties royall Letter, direct to them of the date, The 3d day of Aprile Current, Doe heirby Recomend to And Require The Lord Strathnaver Commander in cheiff of his Majesties forces within this Kingdom for the tyme, To Give Command and orders to the Colonels, and in their Absence to the Commanding officers of the Troops and Regiments respective after specified, furthwith to disband the number of officers and Souldiers out of Each Troop and Regiment aftermentioned Viz: from his Majesties Troop of Guards, Fourteen Gentlemen, and the Chirurgon, from each Troop of the Two Regiments of Dragoons, commanded by the viscount of Teviot, and the Lord Jedburgh, Five men, And from the saids Two Regiments Twelve Quarter masters, Two Aid majors and Two Chirurgeons, with their mates, From each Company of his Majesties Regiment of foot Guards, fifteen Sentinells, and from the said Regiment Two quarter masters The Chirurgeon and mate, The Drum major and Sixteen Drums, From each Company of the Regiments of foot commanded by Major Generall Colzier, Colonall Row and Colonell Hamilton, The Two youngest Companys with the youngest officers, And from the saids Three Regiments, The Three Chirurgeons and their mates, As also from each company of the Saids Three Regiments, And from Each company of the Regiment commanded by Brigadier Maitland fyve men, And from these four Regiments, four quartermasters and four Dum majors, And for the more orderly disbanding of the saids men and Companys, The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill ordain the Company of Colonel Rows Regiment lying at St Andrews. To be marched presently to Kirkaldy where the Regiments head quarters is, And all detachments from the Severall foot Regiments to be called in to the head quarters of the respective Regiments and the reform and disbanding thereof to be made in manner abovementioned Excepting The Two Companys of Colonell Rows Regiment lying at Montross and the detachment appointed from the same for the Brae of Marr, which if already marched is presently to be recalled to Montross, And the Colonell of the said Regiment or the next Commanding officer in his absence, Is heirby ordained To send immediatly a Sufficient officer along with the majors Troop of the Royall Regiment of Dragoons lying at Dundee which with the said officer sent to them, The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Require and command, To march from the said Town of Dundee, To the Town of Montross, And there to see such of the saids Two Companys as are to be disbanded presently disarmed and dismissed, And the commanding officers of the saids respective Regiments, are heirby Required to receave and cause carefully transport the armes of the Companys and men to be disbanded, To his Majesties Magazine in the Castle of Edinburgh Betwixt and the First day of May next to come, as they will be answerable, Except the arms of such Souldiers as belong to the Garrison of Inverlochie, which are to be laid up and taken care of in the Magazine of the said Garrison And The saids Lords Appoint and ordain the magistrats of the respective Burghs where the saids disbandings shall be made, To affoord and furnish Sufficient Carriadge horse Cairts or Boat, for transporting the armes of such Souldiers as shall be disbanded to his majesties magazine in the Castle of Edinburgh Betwixt and the day forsaid, in the termes and Conform to the act of Parliament made thereanent, And The magistrats of Edinburgh To furnish carriadges for such of the saids armes as shall be Sent to Leith, from thence to the Castle of Edinburgh And The saids Lords ordaines the commanding officer of Colonell Rows Regiment Immediatly after the disbanding abovementioned To cause march and quarter a Company of the Said Regiment at the Town of St Andrews till furder order, As also The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill, Recomend to and Require The commander in cheiff of his majesties forces within this Kingdom for the tyme, To send a detachment of Fourty men, with the necessary officers to the castle of Blackness for keeping Garrison there, And to be under the Command of the present Governor of the same, who is heirby Required, upon arrival of the said detachment, To disband, disarm, and dismiss the present Garrison of the said Castle, And to cause transport the armes of the said Garison To his majesties magazine in the Castle of Edinburgh Betwixt and the day forsaid And furder the Lords of his majesties privy Councill appoints the Regiment under the command of the Lord Strathnaver which is only to consist of Ten Companys and Thirty Sentinells in each company upon their arrivall in this Kingdom, To be marched with all Convenient dispatch, To the Town of Inverness and to be quartered there, And in the Places adjacent till further orders. And The Regiment under the Command of Colonell Ferguson consisting of the like Companys and Centinells, To be marched Immediatly to the Town of St Johnston as their quarter, while Furder orders which Two Regiments are from the tyme of their arrivall, To be upon the Establishment of this Kingdom, and the Companys of any other Regiments quartered at Inverness, To be marched from thence To Montross and Dundee, and places adjacent, And The said Troop of the Royall Regiment of Dragoons commanded by the Major, Is heirby appointed Immediatly after disbanding of the foot at Montross To march Back from thence To Dundee, where they are to remain quartered while furder order.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 569-71.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 569-71.