Att Edinburgh The nynth day of February Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act Banishing John Foubister to America
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having heard The Report of a Committee of their own number made to them anent John Foubister presently prisoner in the Cannongate Tolbooth. Read in their presence, They in Consideration of the said John Fowbister his Consent in his former Inactment, Have Banished and heirby Banishes the said John Foubister furth of his majesties Dominions, And discharges him to Return within the same without his majesties or the Lords of his majesties privy Councill their special warrant for that Effect, And ordains him to be transported to America with the Rest, in the first ship which shall gett Licence to go thither.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 533.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 533.