Act, 17 January 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventeinth day of January Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act Anent Captain Baillies papers

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of privy Council by Captain Robert Baillie, Rachell Baillie relict of the deceast Mr George Hutchisone late Minister in Edinburgh and other of the freinds and relations of the deceast Captain James Baillie Merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That wher the said Captain Robert Baillie brother sone to the said Captain James Baillie was out of the kingdome the time of his decease and the said Captain James Baillie did deliver the keyes of his Cabinet in the time of his Sicknes to Mr James Kirktoune Minister in Edinburgh to be keeped by him untill such time as his nearest freinds and relations Should be mett togither before he Should give up the keyes, or the Cabinet Should be opened And alse by the application made to my Lord Chancelor by Some of the Said Captain James his nearest relations, His Lordship was pleased to Cause Seall the saids Cabinats Untill such time as his nearest relationes and these concerned Should be present at the opening therof And seing that the said Captain Robert Baillie is his heir appearend to his heretable estate, And that Mr Hutchinson his nearest of Kine, and will have right to the exercise unless he has disposed on the Same Otherwayes, and that the other freinds and relations Concurr for the opening of the Saids Cabinats and alse Mr James Kirktoune is Content to delyver up the keyes therof to any persone whom the saids Lords Should name And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased in Consideratione of the premysses To grant warrand to the said Mr James Kirktoune to delyver the keyes of the said Cabinat to ther Lordships Clerk of Councill and to him to open the saids Cabinats in presence of the petitioners and to make Inventar of the wrytes therincontained, and to delyver to each of them what wrytes belonged to them or to any other person who hade right to any wrytes Lying in the saids Cabinets as the petition bears, The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above Captain Robert Baillie and others above wryten, They hereby Grant warrand to and Ordaine the above Mr James Kirktoune to deliver up the keyes of the above Cabinet to Sir Gilbert Eliot Clerk of privy Councill and Grants power and Warrand to the said Sir Gilbert to oppen the above Cabinets in presence of the present Lord provest of Edinburgh and of the petitioners and to make Such Inventary of the wrytes therin Contained, and to delyver up to each of the petitioners the wrytes belonging to them, or to any other person who have right to any wrytes belonging to them, and that in presence of the said Lord provest of Edinburgh upon their respective recepts Each persone for his own wrytes, And Ordaines Letters of horning under the Signet of Councill for present delyverie of the saids keyes upon six hours warning, and others needfull to be direct hereupon in forme as effeirs

Att Edinburgh the Seventeinth day of January Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act Anent Captain Baillies papers

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of privy Council by Captain Robert Baillie, Rachell Baillie relict of the deceast Mr George Hutchisone late Minister in Edinburgh and other of the freinds and relations of the deceast Captain James Baillie Merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That wher the said Captain Robert Baillie brother sone to the said Captain James Baillie was out of the kingdome the time of his decease and the said Captain James Baillie did deliver the keyes of his Cabinet in the time of his Sicknes to Mr James Kirktoune Minister in Edinburgh to be keeped by him untill such time as his nearest freinds and relations Should be mett togither before he Should give up the keyes, or the Cabinet Should be opened And alse by the application made to my Lord Chancelor by Some of the Said Captain James his nearest relations, His Lordship was pleased to Cause Seall the saids Cabinats Untill such time as his nearest relationes and these concerned Should be present at the opening therof And seing that the said Captain Robert Baillie is his heir appearend to his heretable estate, And that Mr Hutchinson his nearest of Kine, and will have right to the exercise unless he has disposed on the Same Otherwayes, and that the other freinds and relations Concurr for the opening of the Saids Cabinats and alse Mr James Kirktoune is Content to delyver up the keyes therof to any persone whom the saids Lords Should name And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased in Consideratione of the premysses To grant warrand to the said Mr James Kirktoune to delyver the keyes of the said Cabinat to ther Lordships Clerk of Councill and to him to open the saids Cabinats in presence of the petitioners and to make Inventar of the wrytes therincontained, and to delyver to each of them what wrytes belonged to them or to any other person who hade right to any wrytes Lying in the saids Cabinets as the petition bears, The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above Captain Robert Baillie and others above wryten, They hereby Grant warrand to and Ordaine the above Mr James Kirktoune to deliver up the keyes of the above Cabinet to Sir Gilbert Eliot Clerk of privy Councill and Grants power and Warrand to the said Sir Gilbert to oppen the above Cabinets in presence of the present Lord provest of Edinburgh and of the petitioners and to make Such Inventary of the wrytes therin Contained, and to delyver up to each of the petitioners the wrytes belonging to them, or to any other person who have right to any wrytes belonging to them, and that in presence of the said Lord provest of Edinburgh upon their respective recepts Each persone for his own wrytes, And Ordaines Letters of horning under the Signet of Councill for present delyverie of the saids keyes upon six hours warning, and others needfull to be direct hereupon in forme as effeirs

1. NRS, PC2/27, 178v-179v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 178v-179v.