Att Edinburgh The Twenty First of December Jaj vic nynty nyne years
Act Banishing John Weir
Anent The Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By John Weir poor prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh Shewing That where Their Lordships Petitioner having misfortunatly and unadvertantly gone along with Thomas Holloway in that malicious design in Counterfeiting his majesties Coyne, who was Executed for the same upon the Twenty Fourth of July last bypast, Their Lordships upon ane Petition Reprived their Petitioner till the Eight day of September last, And upon ane Second petition presented to their Lordships with ane Declaration be the said Thomas Holloway Two houres before his death subscribed by him and Two Witnesses wherin he declares that their petitioner was induced and Intised to go alongs with him in the said Cryme, and if their petitioner never acted nor was capable To act which he declared as a dying man, Which petition with the forsaid Declaration being considered be ther Lordships, Their Lordships by Interloquitor the 27th of July last Commuted and changed the Sentence of death pronunced against him, And discharged the same to be put to Execution and ordained their petitioner to continue heir in prison wher he now lyes untill further orders from ther Lordships how he should be disposed of as ane Coppie of ane act produced with his said petition will Testify And Seing That ther Lordships petitioner hes now been prisoner in the said tolbooth almost a year in a most miserable and Starving Condition and become therby invaletudinary and very Sick, and hath not nor cannot comand a Sixpence To maintain himself and it is their Lordships Laudable laws To Releive prisoners in his sad circumstances upon banishment never to be seen within this Kingdom again under pain of death and to allow him a Competent tyme for Equipping himself wife and family and ordering his other affairs That so their petitioner may not Starve in prison, which he undoubtedly will without their Lordships provide a Remedy And Therfore Humbly Craving To the Effect underwrittin as the said petition bears. The Saids Lords of his Maejsties privy Councill Having considered this petition given in to them be the above John Weir, They doe heirby of Consent of the said petitioner John Weir contained in the said bill Subscribed by himself, Have Banished and heirby Banishes The said John Weir Furth of his Majesties Dominiones, And discharges him To Return therto, under the pain of Death without his Majesties or the Councills warrant for that Effect And heirby gives order and warrand To the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of Their Tolbooth, To sett the Petitioner att Liberty Furth therof In Respect he hes Enacted himself in the books of privy Councill, That he shall depairt furth of his Majesties Dominiones betwixt and the Tenth day of January next to Come And never Return to the Same without his Majestys or the Councills warrant obtained for that Effect, under The pain of death.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 49.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 49.