Att Edinburgh The Twenty Third day of March Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act Anent the Polemoney
The Lords of his majesties privy Councill As being Impowred By the Twelfth act of the Last Session of his current parliament Entitled Act Anent polemoney To order and Appoint Such other methods and Courses as they shall Judge fitt, for stating and Inbringing of the polemoney, Imposed by the said Act, Doe heirby order and Appoint the Commissioners of Supply in Each Shire To meet with all Convenient diligence at the head-Burgh or other usuall place of meeting, within the Said Shire by their Conveener or if they have non By the Sheriff for that Effect, And There to order one of their number per vices, to attend or Keep Court weekly Two days, at Least, Viz: Twesday and Thursday Each week att the said Burgh, As also That the magistrats of Burghs Royall Appoint one of their number to attend and Keep court weekly per vices within their Burgh, att Least Two days Each week To the Effect the said Commissioner or magistrat so to be Appointed may give out, warrands for citation att the Instance of the Tacks-men of the said pole, or any having their order, against the persons lyable in payment of the said pole, Single Double or Quadruple, The single and double being always included in the said Quadruples, Being the highest and outmost wherin any person can be lyable by the said act, And Sustain process and administer Justice and pass Decreets against the saids persones lyable. conform to the said act of parliament, As also That process be Sustained in the caice forsaid upon a Citation to one Dyett, wherupon the persons cited, If personally apprehended may be Likeways holden as Confest, That upon the Deits to be given by the saids Commissioners or magistrats of Burghs, against the persones lyable in the forsaid pole, The Like Summer Execution may be directed as upon Decreets for Supply or Excyse, quartering only Excepted, And farder that a precept or Letters may be directed against all these that shall be decerned for the said pole, within one Shire or Burgh, and that the severall persones and soumes therein Contained Shall not make severall causes, But shall only be payed for as one Cause. And The saids Lords doe heirby appoint and ordain all Clerks, of Shires And of Burghs Royall, To Exhibite and make patent to the said Tacks-men or any having their order their respective valuation and sent Roll when Required, in order to particular mens Stents or valuation whose poles are not otherways determined, As likeways That the Inhabitants of Burghs Royall give Lists when Required, of such as reside within their families, and that the magistrats give the necessary orders for that Effect, and the forsaid Clerks of Shires and Burghs and also their Collectors are heirby ordained to give to the saids Tacks-men or these having their orders notes or Abstracts of what Instruments may be taken in their hands by any person lyable in the said pole anent their Listing or paying. And Lastly The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Require and ordain the Commissioners of the said Shires, To cause their Clerks give Extracts of their Collectors Bonds to the said Tacks-men or any having their order, And if need beis That they give also summer processes and Execution at the Instance of the said Tacks-men and their forsaids against the saids Collectors and their Cautioners upon their saids Bonds as accords. And the saids Commissioners and magistrats of Burghs and all others Concerned, are heirby Strictly Commanded and Required to Observe and perform the premises as they will be Answerable, And These presents are ordained to be printed and published at the mercat Crosses of the head Burghs of Shires and of all Burghs Royall in the usual form Extracted By me.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 553-4.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 553-4.