Att Edinburgh the Fiftein day of September Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years
Act John Vallange Stationer for Printing some Decisions of the Lords of Session
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Vallange bookseller in Edinburgh Shewing That the petitioner had caused fitt and prepair for the press according to the most authentick and Originall Copies the books following To witt The decisiones of the Lords of Councill and Session from the year Jaj vic sixtie one to the year Jaj vic sixtie six Collected by Sir John Gilmore of Craigmillar deceased president of the Colledge of Justice, as also the densiones of the saids Lords from the year Jaj vic Eightie one to the year Jaj vic Eightie six Collected by Sir David Falconar of Newtoune Sometime president of Session, and Likewayes hopes minor practiques Corrected and amended in sundrie parts according to the acts of parliament and decisiones past since the first publishing of that Treatise with usefull notes and observationes dispersed throw the whole work, And in like maner ane abridgment in English of the treaties concerning fewes wryten in Latine by the Learned Lawier Mr Thomas Craig of Riccartoune Corrected and with Notes etc For incouradging and promotting the Impression of which books, and because the petitioner will be at great charges therin And Therfore Humbly Suplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above John Vallange They doe hereby Grant full power and sole priviledge to the said John Vallange petitioner his heirs and assigneyes dureing the space of Nyntein years yet to run to print and sell the books abovenamed in this petitione in such volume and in so many tombs as shall be convenient and prohibits and Discharges all printers booksellers Merchants or others whatsoever dureing the space forsaid to Imprint from abroad or print sell or retaill within this kingdome any other Impression of all or any one of the books abovenamed then what shall be printed by the said John Vallange or his forsaids with Certificatione that not only these Impressiones and Copies shall be seased upon by any Magistrat without process of Law and that they shall be Confiscat to the petitioner and his forsaid ther use and behoove Bot also that the Importers printers and sellers of these Copies not printed by the said petitioner shall each of them be lyable in the Soume of ane hundred merks scots money wherof the one half shall belong to the informer and the other half shall be applyed to the use of the said2 petitioner himself and his afarsaids Or to the poor of the parish wher the saids Impressiones or books shall be seized at the petitioners option.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 248r-249r.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 248r-249r.
2. Insertion.