Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nynty and nine years
Reprive to four Egyptians
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By James, Wiliam, Patrick and Wiliam Bailies now prisoners within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh. Shewing That where Their petitioners are now under sentence of Death pronunced By the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary upon the ground of ane old act of parliament, which hath not been in observance and whereof their petitioners were absolutely Ignorant and upon the probation of some small Theft and pickery, which by it self doth not Inferr the punishment of Death, and there being one already Execute upon the Same Sentence wherby ane affrighting Example was given to all others It is humbly hoped that ther Lordships of the privy Councill will not Expose all of them to the Last punishment, But rather of their goodness and mercy mitigat the forsaid sentence of Death and Change it to ane act of perpetual Banishment against their petitioners which they would willingly and Thankfully subject their selves to, upon the Terms proposed by their Lordships which may be Easily Effectuat att this tyme, their being vessels both in Clyde and Forth Bound for the plantationes in the West Indies which would Carry their petitioners thither and dispose of them as they shall think fitt and apoint. And Therfore Humbly craving to the Effect underwrittin as the said petition Bears. The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered, This petition given in to them By the within James, William, Patrick, and Wiliam Bailies, They doe heirby Reprive the petitioners, And discharges the sentence of death pronunced against them to be put to Execution till the Twelfth day of January Instant Inclusive, And ordains the magistrats of Edinburgh to see the said sentence put to Execution against the saids petitioners upon the Thirteenth day of the said moneth of January Instant without furder delay sic subscribitur Marchmont Cancellar. Crafurd. Argyle. Loudoun. Mar. Morton. Strathnaver. A: Hope. John Falconer. George Home.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 515-6.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 515-6.