Att Edinburgh The nynth day of February Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act Indemnity and Liberation Weir and Tweddale
Anent The Petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill By John Weir of Johnshill and Robert Tweddale in Bankhead Both within the parochin of Lismachago. Shewing That Thomas Halloway ane English man having come from Edinburgh to the west countrey near the place where their petitioners Leaves, being by some persons discovered to be a false Coyner and forgerer of money, And he and some other persons suspect as his assistants being apprehended and Incarcerat within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh Their petitioners being Informed That The Sheriff deput of Lanerk, hade given out ane order to aprehend their petitioners and send them in prisoners to Edinburgh to be Examined by his majesties Advocate, They did upon the first Intelligence thereof Come in here to Edinburgh of their own accords fully Resolved To have gone to the Kings Advocate, And Cleared themselves of all the false and unjust Information which his Lordship hade Receaved against them, But his Lordship being taken up with greater and more weighty affairs They were Committed prisoners to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and have Remained their for several weeks, And Albeit They have been fully Examined by his Lordship and that he hes made all the Imaginable Search and Tryall, for ane probation against them for Committing or being accessory as airt and pairt of the false Coyning, yet they are very hopefull his Lordship will Testifie and declare That he neither hath nor can find out the Least probation for fixing any Crime of guilt upon Either of them, And yet his Lordship Refuses To give ane order for their Liberatione without ane Express warrand from their Lordships of privy Councill. And Therfore Humbly craving To the Effect underwrittin as the said petition Bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above John Weir and Robert Tweddale, They have Indemnified and heirby Indemnifies The saids petitioners as to the cryme of false Coyning or venting of false Coyne And declares them quite thereof and free therefrae in all tyme Coming, And doe heirby give order and warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of their Tolbooth To set the saids petitioners at Liberty furth thereof The saids petitioners first before Extracting heirof Giving bond and finding Sufficient caution acted in the books of his majesties privy Councill, That they shall appear before their Lordships or Lords Commissioners of his majesties Justiciary and answer for whatsoever shall be layed to their Charge whensoever they shall be called or Required thereto Each of them under the penalty of five Hundered merks Scots per piece. Sic subscribitur Marchmont Cancellar. Lauderdale, Carmichaell, Boyle James Stewart. Adam Cockburne. John Maxwell. Francis Montgomrie. Robert Sinclair.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 534.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 534.