Att Edinburgh the Twentie Seventh of July Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne
Act Changing John Weirs Sentance
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Weir prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and under Sentance of death Shewing That wheras the Commissioners of his Majesties Justiciary by their Sentence and Decreet hade ordained the petitioner to be put to death, For being found airt and part in the Cryme of falsiefieing his majesties Coyne, and the Sentance to be execute upon the twenty first of July instance now altered by the saids Lords Clemency and mercy to the eight of September nixt The petitioner in his former petitione did not offer to Lesen or extenuat his Cryme of himself Bot haveing obtained from Thomas Halloway who was execute for the forsaid cryme upon the twenty first of July instant by a declaration two hours before his death Subscrybed by himself and two witnesses Wherin he Declares that the petitioner was induced and inticed to goe allong with him in the said cryme, And the petitioner never cited or was capable to act, and this he declared as a dying man as the declaratione therwith produced would testifie And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased for the Lords sake yet to consider his misserable case and out of their Lordships wonted clemency and Compassion to Commiserat the petitioners condition and to Change the Sentence of death pronounced against the petitioner into a Sentence of perpetuall banishment to any place in the world That their Lordships thought fitt to appoint without returne under the payne of death as the petition bears. The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given into them by the above John Weir Sentanced to death for false Coyne, with the declaration mentioned therin and produced therwith, They hereby Commute and Change the Sentence of death pronounced against the said John Weir and Discharges the Said Sentence of death to be put to executione against him, and Ordaines him to Continue in the prison of Edinburgh wher he now lyes untill farder Order from the Lords of privy Councill how he shall be disposed off. Sic subscribitur Marchmont Cancellar I:p:d: Crafurd Mar, Cassills, Kintoir, Strathnaver Forbes, Archibald Murray George Home.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 224v-225r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 224v-225r.