Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth Day of July Jaj vic nynty nyne years
Warrant For Bailie Adie To Renew his Bonds And Recomends to the Lord Advocat To Raise a process against him
Information produced by Sir James Stewart His Majesties Advocate Against Bailie David Edie in Aberdeen sent to his Lordship by Some of the present Bailies of Aberdeen, Being Read, And The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the same, They heirby ordain the said Bailie Adie, To Renew his Bond taken on Twesday Last. And Recomends To his Majesties Advocate To Intent A process att his Lordships Instance Against the said David Edie for the Crymes mentioned in the said Information, Before the Lords of privy Councill, And Confynes the said Bailie David Edie, To the Town of Edinburgh and Liberties thereof, In Respect he hes found caution That he shall appear before the Councill when Ever he shall be Called for or Required therto, And in the mean tyme That he shall leave peaceably under and with all Submission To the present Government of his Majestie King William, And That he shall not act, Consult nor Contrive any thing in prejudice thereof, Nor shall not converse nor Correspond with any Rebells, And That he shall Keep his Confinement, And not goe without the Town of Edinburgh and liberties thereof, untill the process to be Raised att the Said Lord Advocates Instance against him be discust, And That he shall appear before and attend the hail dyets of Councill and Committee in the forsaid process, under the penalty of Two Hundered pounds Sterling in caice the said David Edie shall failzie or Transgress in any pairt of the premises, And upon Granting of this Bond allowes the Former Bond granted by Bailie Adie and his Cautioner upon the Seventh of July Instant, To be given up.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 3.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 3.