Att Edinburgh The Fifteenth day of September Jaj vic nynty nyne years
Warrant To Alexander Ogilvie of Forglan To be printed warden of the mint
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill, Doe heirby authorize and grants Full power warrand and Commission To Alexander Ogilvie off Forglan principall Keepr of his Majesties Signet under the Viscount of Seafield one of the principall Secretaries of State for this Kingdom To Exerce the office of principall warden to his Majesties Mint-house Sicklike and alse freely in all Respects as any principall warden in his Majesties Said Mint-house hes done or might have Laufully done in tyme 2 bygone, and this present Commission is to Endure ay and while his Majestie grant Commission, Nominating a principall warden To Exerce the said office which is now vacant through the decease of Mr William Spence principall warden, The Said Alexander Ogilvie of Forlan First before his Entry upon the Exerciseing of the said office qualifieing himself, by swearing and signeing the oath of alledgance and signing the assurance and association appointed to his Majestie by the acts of Parliament and proclamationes of privy Councill, and giveing his oath de fideli.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 27-8.
2. The word ‘coming’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 27-8.
2. The word ‘coming’ scored out here.