Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth day of June Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act Liberating James Donaldson
Anent The Petition given in To the Lords of his majesties privy Councill By James Donaldson Shewing That their Lordships Petitioner some tyme agoe conceiveing That the publishing of a Gazette in this place might be of good use (notwithstanding he was diswaded by most of his freinds from attempting to undertake it as a thing that could not defray The charges of printing Intelligence etc) yet having Strong apprehensions of its usefullness, could not be Satisfied till he gott their Lordships warrant To set about it, And now after sometymes Experience It is hoped their Lordships will see how usefull it is, and give all suteable Encourage-ment for continueing of it. And now seing their Lordships Thought fitt to confine him To the Tolbooth (so farr as he can understand) for Inserting something in the Gazette which Should not have been done He with all Submission Beggs their Lordships pardon for what is past, That they may be pleased to let him Know in what manner he shall make his acknowledgement and give him Instructiones how to act for the future And their Lordships Commands shall be Cheerfully obeyed and punctually observed by their Lordships Petitioner.
The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having considered This petition given in to them by James Donaldson, They heirby give order and warrant To the Magistrats of Edinburgh And Keeper of their Tolbooth To sett the said James Donaldson att Liberty furth thereof, For which this shall be a sufficient warrand To all concerned.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 583.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 583.