Att Edinburgh The Sixteenth day of December Jaj vic nynty nyne years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King, anent the Company trading to Africa and Indies and signifieing his displeasure with their Address
Letter from his majesty to the privy Councill Recomending to their Lordships To make Known his Majesties Displeasure with the proceedings anent the addressing his Majesty from the Company trading to Africa and the Indies and others And appointes the Clerk of the Councill To Repair to the office of the Councill of the Company tradeing to Africa and the Indies immediatly after dinner, And There to make Intimation of his majesties Letter and off his displeasure with addressing in manner therin mentioned. And nominates and appointes The Earle of Melvill, Lord President of Privy Councill, The Earles of Lauderdale and Annandale, The Lord President of Session, The Lords Advocate Thesaurer Deput, Justice-Clerk, Aberuchill, Halcraig, Crossrigg Rankillor and Phesdoe, To be a Committee For drawing of a proclamation in the termes of his Majesties letter And to Consider what methods have been used In procureing Subscriptiones to the Said address. And Recomends to the Said Committee to meet this afternoon at Five of the Clock and declares the Major pairt of them to be a Sufficient quorum, and Recomends to them to prepare the proclamation, and present the Same to the Councill against munday att Ten in the forenoon, Follows the Tenor of the above Letter.
Sic Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right Trusty and Right welbeloved Cousin and Councellor Right trusty and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councillor, Right Trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors, Right Trusty and welbeloved Councellors and Trusty and welbeloved Councellors We greet yow well. Whereas we are Informed That notwithstanding of our answer to the late Petition of the Councill Generall of the Company of that our Kingdom Trading to Africa and the Indies, which we Think ought to have given Intire Satisfaction to all our good Subjects, Yet there is on foot a Design of Addressing us of new, on the same heads carried on after such a manner and with so litle respect to our Government as gives us but too Just grounds to apprehend the consequences. We have never hitherto denyed our Subjects their Just priviledges nor will we ever discourage the Liberty of Petitioning when the same is done in ane orderly and dutifull manner; But having fully declared our mind as to the Subject of the last Addressl we cannot but take particular notice of that unusuall method that is taken to procure subscriptiones to a new one. And That some persons who Signalize themselves in carrying on the same, have given no Evidence of their good affection to our Government, And make it their Endeavour to Lodge the late misfortune of the Company on Proclamationes Emitted in the West Indies; Tho they cannot but be Sensible That the Same did proceed from other causes. And being Convinced that Such practices may tend to alienat from us the hearts of our good Subjects, and that it is necessary for the Support of our Government and preserveing the publick peace of the nation, That they be discouraged and prevented. We doe therfore Reomend to yow To Signifie and make Knowen our displeasure and dissatisfaction with such proceedings, and to take the most Effectuall methods Consisting with law. for discourageing the same; And for Preventing those that are well Inclined to our Government from Joining in them. So not doubting your care and diligence in this and what may be further necessary, for our service in this Juncture, we bid yow heartily farewell. Given att our court att Kensington The i2th day of December 1699. And of our Reign the iith year. By his Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Carmichaell.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 45-6.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 45-6.