Act, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty First of December Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Act Discharging a peck to the Boll of victuall in the Shire of Stirling

Anent The Representation given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By the Justices of Peace within the district of Falkirk in the Sherifdome of Stirling. Humbly Representing. That by the Threty Eight Act. Parliament first, Session first, Chapter Second, The Justices of peace are appointed to Inform their Lordships of any wrong concerning the measures For buying and selling of victuall, and by the seventeenth Act, Parliament Twenty Third, James Sixth, all Eiks or additiones to the Boll in Bargaines for victuall are Prohibite, under the pain of Fourty Shillings for Every Boll, to be paid by the Receaver besides the price of the Boll, Therfore They humbly Conceave it their Duty To acquaint their Lordships That notwithstanding of the said seventeenth Act, Parliament Twenty Third, James Sixth, There is no Bear, oats, or Pease Sold in the mercats of Falkirk But with ane peck to the Bole And likeways the measures used in the Saids mercats are lately Brought to great disorder, and Inequality. And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwrittin as the said Representation bears The Saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered the Representation given in to them by the within Justices of Peace within the district of Falkirk in the Sheriffdome of Stirling, They heirby discharge all Selling of any victuall or delivering and Receaveing the same with a peck to the Boll or any other Eike or addition Except betwixt Heretor and Tennent, And The Saids Lords ordaines, The sheriff of the said Shire and his Deputs, and Justices of peace and Magistrats of Burgh, within that Shire or any of them, To Try the measures and Reduce them to the ordinary quality in which they were before the late abuse or in which they ought to be Conform to the acts of Parliament, And Appointes the Sheriff of the Shire or his Deputs, Magistrats of Burghs, Justices of peace, and all other Judges within the said Shire to see, and Take speciall care that the saids acts of Parliament be duely observed And putt to vigorous Execution in all tyme coming.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty First of December Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Act Discharging a peck to the Boll of victuall in the Shire of Stirling

Anent The Representation given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By the Justices of Peace within the district of Falkirk in the Sherifdome of Stirling. Humbly Representing. That by the Threty Eight Act. Parliament first, Session first, Chapter Second, The Justices of peace are appointed to Inform their Lordships of any wrong concerning the measures For buying and selling of victuall, and by the seventeenth Act, Parliament Twenty Third, James Sixth, all Eiks or additiones to the Boll in Bargaines for victuall are Prohibite, under the pain of Fourty Shillings for Every Boll, to be paid by the Receaver besides the price of the Boll, Therfore They humbly Conceave it their Duty To acquaint their Lordships That notwithstanding of the said seventeenth Act, Parliament Twenty Third, James Sixth, There is no Bear, oats, or Pease Sold in the mercats of Falkirk But with ane peck to the Bole And likeways the measures used in the Saids mercats are lately Brought to great disorder, and Inequality. And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwrittin as the said Representation bears The Saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered the Representation given in to them by the within Justices of Peace within the district of Falkirk in the Sheriffdome of Stirling, They heirby discharge all Selling of any victuall or delivering and Receaveing the same with a peck to the Boll or any other Eike or addition Except betwixt Heretor and Tennent, And The Saids Lords ordaines, The sheriff of the said Shire and his Deputs, and Justices of peace and Magistrats of Burgh, within that Shire or any of them, To Try the measures and Reduce them to the ordinary quality in which they were before the late abuse or in which they ought to be Conform to the acts of Parliament, And Appointes the Sheriff of the Shire or his Deputs, Magistrats of Burghs, Justices of peace, and all other Judges within the said Shire to see, and Take speciall care that the saids acts of Parliament be duely observed And putt to vigorous Execution in all tyme coming.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 49-50.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 49-50.