Att Edinburgh The Third day of Aprile Jaj vjc nyntie and nyne years
Warrand Allowing Colonell Row to goe to London
The Lord high Chancellor having Represented to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill, That Collonell Archbald Row hade Addressed his Lordship That he hade occasion to go out of this Kingdom to the city of London for Expeading severall of his necessar privat affairs, The saids Lords doe heirby give Liberty To, And Allowes the said Collonell Archibald Row, To Repair to the said City of London for attending his private affairs, The Collonell always Returning and attending his Post, here as a Collonell Betwixt and the […] day of […] next Ensueing.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 568.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 568.