Act, 12 September 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twelfth day of September Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Act Recalling the Viscount of Seafeilds Comission to be Bailie of the Regality of Huntly etc

The Lord Viscount of Seafield, ane of the principall Secretaries of State having Represented to the Councill, That their Lordships hes nominated him to be Baillie of the Regality of Huntly and Justiciar of the Regality of Kinross and of the Bailiary of the Bishoprick of Aberdeen, And That In Respect his Lordship Is in his Majesties publict Service, which will of necessity call him abroad To attend His Majesties person and That it will not be fitt the said office be Exerced by a Deput unless The Principall be in the Countrey, And That The Lord Forbes Lands lyes Nigher to the Bounds of the said Commission Then the Lord Seafields Lands, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Recall The forsaid Commission Granted to the said Viscount of Seafield and Exoner him therof and declares the samen null and of none Effect, And appoints a New Commission in the same termes with the Commission In favors of the Viscount of Seafield, To be drawen In favours of the Lord Forbes and to be presented to the Councill att their next meeting to be Subscrived.

Att Edinburgh The Twelfth day of September Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Act Recalling the Viscount of Seafeilds Comission to be Bailie of the Regality of Huntly etc

The Lord Viscount of Seafield, ane of the principall Secretaries of State having Represented to the Councill, That their Lordships hes nominated him to be Baillie of the Regality of Huntly and Justiciar of the Regality of Kinross and of the Bailiary of the Bishoprick of Aberdeen, And That In Respect his Lordship Is in his Majesties publict Service, which will of necessity call him abroad To attend His Majesties person and That it will not be fitt the said office be Exerced by a Deput unless The Principall be in the Countrey, And That The Lord Forbes Lands lyes Nigher to the Bounds of the said Commission Then the Lord Seafields Lands, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Recall The forsaid Commission Granted to the said Viscount of Seafield and Exoner him therof and declares the samen null and of none Effect, And appoints a New Commission in the same termes with the Commission In favors of the Viscount of Seafield, To be drawen In favours of the Lord Forbes and to be presented to the Councill att their next meeting to be Subscrived.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 19-20.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 19-20.