Warrant, 13 July 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth Day of July Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Warrand To Thomas Glaswell and others for shutting up the meeting house att Dudhope

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill, Doe heirby give order and warrant To the Sheriff principall of the Shire of Angus and his Deput The Constable of Dundee and his Deputs, And particularly To Thomas Lundy of Glasswell, Bailie Deput To the Marques of Douglas or any other Judges or magistrats whatsomever within whose Bounds and Jurisdictione the house of Dudhope which is made use of by non-Conforming ministers as ane meeting house lyes, and wherin these2 intruders3 does preach, To cause Shutt up the said meeting house or any other in the paroch, And To take care that the same be Kept Shutt up and not opened again, nor made use of as a meeting house by the saids non-conformeing ministers att any tyme hereafter.

Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth Day of July Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Warrand To Thomas Glaswell and others for shutting up the meeting house att Dudhope

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill, Doe heirby give order and warrant To the Sheriff principall of the Shire of Angus and his Deput The Constable of Dundee and his Deputs, And particularly To Thomas Lundy of Glasswell, Bailie Deput To the Marques of Douglas or any other Judges or magistrats whatsomever within whose Bounds and Jurisdictione the house of Dudhope which is made use of by non-Conforming ministers as ane meeting house lyes, and wherin these2 intruders3 does preach, To cause Shutt up the said meeting house or any other in the paroch, And To take care that the same be Kept Shutt up and not opened again, nor made use of as a meeting house by the saids non-conformeing ministers att any tyme hereafter.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 6.

2. The word ‘ministers’ scored out here.

3. One illegible word scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 6.

2. The word ‘ministers’ scored out here.

3. One illegible word scored out here.