Att Edinburgh The Twenty Eight day of November Jaj vic nynty nyne years
Act Relaxing from the Horn Donald Camron alias McCoil Roy, and others, and Indemnifying them
Anent the petition given in To the Lords of his majesties privy Councill By Alexander Strachan of Glenkindle Shewing That where their Lordships have heard of the attrocious hamsucken Robbery and Theft committed against him by John McGillendeis and John and Grigor Mcphersones in Keppoch and severalls others2 For which he also obtained a Decreet against the Tutor of Weems and certain other accessories which they offered to Suspend before their Lordships The discussing of which Suspension was delayed untill that he should prosecute the forsaids persones and others which in the court formerly held against them were not decerned, And Seing that he is now Insisting against the Saids other persones who were the principall offenders and that necessary it is for him to adduce certan witnesses viz Donald Camron alias McCoil Roy, Euan Camron alias McCoil Roy, Alexr Meinzes late Grigor McGrigor, Rory Kennedy, John Mc Cartor John Roy McCoill vic Eandny, Angus McEan vic Coill vic Landny who are under fugitationes and are not therfra relaxed, as likewise That Some of them being accessories must also be Indemnified to qualifie them For witnessing in the said matter as their Lordships use is in the like caices. And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwritten as the said petition Bears. The Saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them by Alexr Strachan of Glenkindie, They heirby ordain the within Donald Camron alias McCoill Roy, Evan Cameron alias Mc Coill Roy Alexr Meinzies late Grigor Mc. Grigor, Rorie Kennedy John McKartoune John Roy McCoill vi3 Eandry, Angus McEan vi Coill vi Eandny, who are under Fugitationes and are not therfra Relaxed To be Relaxed fra their fugitationes and Receaved to the peace And ordaines the Clerks of Councill, To give out Letters For relaxing them in the common form, And The Saids Lords hes Indemnified and heirby Indemnifies the persones forsaids forsaids (ordained to be relaxed) from any accession to the within Crymes) To the Effect that they be qualified and Receaved as witnesses against the principall actors and their accomplices. Sic Subscribuntur Marchmont Cancellar. Melvill, Crafurd. Mar, Loudoun Annandale, Forbes, C Campbell, Robert Sinclair.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 41.
2. Insertion.
3. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 41.
2. Insertion.
3. Sic.