Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of May Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act Explaining a clause in the Proclamation anent Setting prices upon Victuall
Sir Gilbert Eliot one of the Clerks of privy Councill Having Represented to the Board That he hes Receaved a Letter from the Earle of Tullibardin Desireing That there be Three more Commissioners for the Shire of Perth, added to these named in the proclamation for setting prices upon victuall, And desyreing to Know if the clause in the said proclamatione, Giving power to the Commissioners of Supply to Retain victuall in each Shire, where they find the Shires Stand in need, and not to suffer the same to be Exported out of the shire, whither the same be a Generall clause relating to all shires in the Kingdom, or only particular relating To the northern Shires. The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill being Informed That the Commissioners For setting prices upon victuall in Perth Shire are to meet upon Twesday next, Superceed to add any to these Commissioners named in the proclamation till it appear what shall be done at the meeting of these commissioners named in the Proclamation upon Twesday next, And declares The clause anent the not Suffering victuall to be transported out of the Shires, not to be a particular clause, relating only to the Northern Shires, but to be Generall, Relating to Each Shire in the Kingdom conform to the words of the proclamation.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 571.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 571.