Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of May Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years
Act Allowing Brigadier Maitland, To Import 600 Bolls of meal and malt, For the use of the garrison at Fort William
The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby grant liberty to Brigadier Maitland Governour of the Garrison of Fortwilliam And allows the said Brigadier (notwithstanding of ane Proclamation of Councill or clauses therein) To Buy victuall in any shire within this Kingdom, For the use of the said Garrison at Fortwilliam and the out Garrisons belonging thereto, not Exceeding the number of Three Hundered Bolls meall and Three Hundered Bolls malt, with power to transport the said victuall from the shires within which it shall be Bought to the said Garrison at Fort William, And discharges The Commissioners of Supply and all others to trouble or molest them or these Employed by them in transporting thereof.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 572.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 572.