Act, 13 July 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth Day of July Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Act Captain William Gordon in Brigadier Maitlands Regiment

Anent The Petition Given in To the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By Captain William Gordon of Brigadier Maitlands Regiment Shewing That Where their Petitioner and his Company being att present posted in Garrison att the Castle of Donan in Mull, Which by Reason of the Excessive Storms and Tempests last winter, And Also by Being neglected to be Repaired for Two years before, Is now Become So utterly Ruinous That it is not possible for officers or Souldiers To be Lodged their in the winter Tyme unless the same be Repaired before; for testimony wherof he hes theirwith produced to their Lordships: A Declaration under the hand of the Bailie of the place, whom he desired To visite the Same. As also the Carriadges of the Three Guns upon the Said Castle are altogether Insufficient and useless, so that their must of necessity be new Carriadges made, And for Repairing of the said Castle So as to make it wind and water tight, according to the nearest Computation Their will be Requisite at least Sixty pounds Sterling, And for the saids Carriadges being Three Ten pounds Each, And also the Countrey hes been in use to pay a Soume to the Garrison for Coal and Candle yearly which now they Refuse to doe, So that it is necessary for their Lordships To take some order, for provideing the Garrison, And Their Petitioner being willing To take the care of Imploying the money upon the saids Reparationes which he will doe faithfully and att the sight of any to be named by their Lordships And if need beis will Find Caution for the due Application as their Lordships shall order And Therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships To give order for the payment of the soumes necessary for the saids Reparations That they may be made in due tyme before the Approach of Winter, and for the saids Carriadges, And also to order the provision of the Garrison in Coal and Candle, Either by a warrant In favours of their Petitioner for uplifting the same as formerly if their Lordships Think fitt To continue the Former Fond upon the Countrey or otherways by any new fond their Lordships shall Think fitt, to order for that End, as the said Petition Bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition Given in to them by the above Captain William Gordon, They heirby Recomend To the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaury To consider the within petition And Grant the desyre therof as to the Reparations of the within house And Likeways as to the Carriadges of the Three Guns as their Lordships shall Find necessary and convenient And Refuses the desyre of the said petition as to any other thing Contained therein.

Att Edinburgh The Thirteenth Day of July Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Act Captain William Gordon in Brigadier Maitlands Regiment

Anent The Petition Given in To the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By Captain William Gordon of Brigadier Maitlands Regiment Shewing That Where their Petitioner and his Company being att present posted in Garrison att the Castle of Donan in Mull, Which by Reason of the Excessive Storms and Tempests last winter, And Also by Being neglected to be Repaired for Two years before, Is now Become So utterly Ruinous That it is not possible for officers or Souldiers To be Lodged their in the winter Tyme unless the same be Repaired before; for testimony wherof he hes theirwith produced to their Lordships: A Declaration under the hand of the Bailie of the place, whom he desired To visite the Same. As also the Carriadges of the Three Guns upon the Said Castle are altogether Insufficient and useless, so that their must of necessity be new Carriadges made, And for Repairing of the said Castle So as to make it wind and water tight, according to the nearest Computation Their will be Requisite at least Sixty pounds Sterling, And for the saids Carriadges being Three Ten pounds Each, And also the Countrey hes been in use to pay a Soume to the Garrison for Coal and Candle yearly which now they Refuse to doe, So that it is necessary for their Lordships To take some order, for provideing the Garrison, And Their Petitioner being willing To take the care of Imploying the money upon the saids Reparationes which he will doe faithfully and att the sight of any to be named by their Lordships And if need beis will Find Caution for the due Application as their Lordships shall order And Therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships To give order for the payment of the soumes necessary for the saids Reparations That they may be made in due tyme before the Approach of Winter, and for the saids Carriadges, And also to order the provision of the Garrison in Coal and Candle, Either by a warrant In favours of their Petitioner for uplifting the same as formerly if their Lordships Think fitt To continue the Former Fond upon the Countrey or otherways by any new fond their Lordships shall Think fitt, to order for that End, as the said Petition Bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition Given in to them by the above Captain William Gordon, They heirby Recomend To the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaury To consider the within petition And Grant the desyre therof as to the Reparations of the within house And Likeways as to the Carriadges of the Three Guns as their Lordships shall Find necessary and convenient And Refuses the desyre of the said petition as to any other thing Contained therein.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 4-5.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 4-5.