Procedure, 1 August 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The First day of August Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Commission To the Viscount of Seafield principall Secretary of State To be Baillie of the Regality of Huntly etc

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill, Considering, That the office of Bailzie of the Regality of Huntly and Bailiary and Justiciary of the Regality of Kinloss and of the Bailiary of the Bishoprick of Aberdeen are vacant and none Exerciseing the same, In Respect of George Duke of Gordon etc who is heretable Lord of the saids Regalities, Justiciaries and Bailiaries and so ought to appoint ane Bailzie therin, his being non qualified and not haveing Sworn and Subscrived the oath of alledgance to his Majestie nor signed the Assurance and Association Conform To the acts of Parliament and proclamations of Councill made thereanent, Therfore To have made Constitute and ordained Likeas The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill, By these presents makes Constitutes and ordains James Viscount of Seafield one of the principall Secretaries of State for this Kingdom to be Bailie of the saids Regalities, Justiciary and Bailiaries, Giveing and Granting unto him (during the Councills pleasure only or ay and while The said Duke be qualified in the termes of the saids acts of Parliament and proclamationes of Councill) The office of Bailie of the saids Regalities, Justiciary, and Bailiaries, With all and Sundry powers, Jurisdictiones priviledges, Preheminencies, fies, duties, Casualities, profites, liberties, and Immunities whatsoever therunto Belonging as the samen were possesst and Enjoyed by any preceeding Bailie of the forsaids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, with full power To the saids James Viscount of Seafield During the space forsaid, To use and Exerce the said offices of Bailie in the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries By Sitting and holding Courts, Judgeing, decideing, and determineing in all actions causes alse well civill as Criminall, Bloods and Ryots and upon life and Limb, and all other actiones and affairs, pertaining to the said office of Bailie of Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, Alse fully and freely in all Respects and conditions, as any other Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries was in use, or had right to do off before And To make Creat and Substitute Deputs under him in the aforsaids offices (For whom he shall be answerable) with Clerks officers Serjeants Dempsters, and all other members of Court, And the samen as oft as need beis, To alter and change, and To Intromitt with and uptake all fies Casualities, commodities duetys and profites belonging to the saids offices, during the space abovementioned with all Blood witts Escheats and amerciaments of the said Court of Regalities Justiciary and Bailiary, And Generally with power To the said James Viscount of Seafield as Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, To doe use and Exerce all and Sundry other things concerning pertaining and belonging to the said office of Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries dureing the space forsaid, as fully and freely in all Respects as any other Bailie of the Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries forsaids hes done used or Exerced, The said James Viscount of Seafield, First Before he Enter upon the Exercise of the saids offices of Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, Swearing and Signing the oath of Alledgance and Signing the Assurance and associatione Appointed to his Majesty By acts of Parliament and Proclamationes of Councill. Given att Edinburgh The First day of August Jaj vic nynty nyne years. Sic Subscribuntur Marchmont Cancellar, Cassillis, Forfar, Kintore, James Stewart, John Hamiltone, David Home, James Falconar, Fr: Montgomry, G Home.

Att Edinburgh The First day of August Jaj vic nynty nyne years



Commission To the Viscount of Seafield principall Secretary of State To be Baillie of the Regality of Huntly etc

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill, Considering, That the office of Bailzie of the Regality of Huntly and Bailiary and Justiciary of the Regality of Kinloss and of the Bailiary of the Bishoprick of Aberdeen are vacant and none Exerciseing the same, In Respect of George Duke of Gordon etc who is heretable Lord of the saids Regalities, Justiciaries and Bailiaries and so ought to appoint ane Bailzie therin, his being non qualified and not haveing Sworn and Subscrived the oath of alledgance to his Majestie nor signed the Assurance and Association Conform To the acts of Parliament and proclamations of Councill made thereanent, Therfore To have made Constitute and ordained Likeas The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill, By these presents makes Constitutes and ordains James Viscount of Seafield one of the principall Secretaries of State for this Kingdom to be Bailie of the saids Regalities, Justiciary and Bailiaries, Giveing and Granting unto him (during the Councills pleasure only or ay and while The said Duke be qualified in the termes of the saids acts of Parliament and proclamationes of Councill) The office of Bailie of the saids Regalities, Justiciary, and Bailiaries, With all and Sundry powers, Jurisdictiones priviledges, Preheminencies, fies, duties, Casualities, profites, liberties, and Immunities whatsoever therunto Belonging as the samen were possesst and Enjoyed by any preceeding Bailie of the forsaids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, with full power To the saids James Viscount of Seafield During the space forsaid, To use and Exerce the said offices of Bailie in the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries By Sitting and holding Courts, Judgeing, decideing, and determineing in all actions causes alse well civill as Criminall, Bloods and Ryots and upon life and Limb, and all other actiones and affairs, pertaining to the said office of Bailie of Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, Alse fully and freely in all Respects and conditions, as any other Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries was in use, or had right to do off before And To make Creat and Substitute Deputs under him in the aforsaids offices (For whom he shall be answerable) with Clerks officers Serjeants Dempsters, and all other members of Court, And the samen as oft as need beis, To alter and change, and To Intromitt with and uptake all fies Casualities, commodities duetys and profites belonging to the saids offices, during the space abovementioned with all Blood witts Escheats and amerciaments of the said Court of Regalities Justiciary and Bailiary, And Generally with power To the said James Viscount of Seafield as Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, To doe use and Exerce all and Sundry other things concerning pertaining and belonging to the said office of Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries dureing the space forsaid, as fully and freely in all Respects as any other Bailie of the Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries forsaids hes done used or Exerced, The said James Viscount of Seafield, First Before he Enter upon the Exercise of the saids offices of Bailie of the saids Regalities Justiciary and Bailiaries, Swearing and Signing the oath of Alledgance and Signing the Assurance and associatione Appointed to his Majesty By acts of Parliament and Proclamationes of Councill. Given att Edinburgh The First day of August Jaj vic nynty nyne years. Sic Subscribuntur Marchmont Cancellar, Cassillis, Forfar, Kintore, James Stewart, John Hamiltone, David Home, James Falconar, Fr: Montgomry, G Home.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 15-16.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 15-16.