Act, 28 March 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Eight day of March Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years



Act Appointing Garrison in the Highlands

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill For security of the peace of the Highlands and for the Safety of the Inhabitants thereof against thefts robberies and depredationes, Have thought fitt to Appoint and heirby Appoints parties of Souldiers to be quartered and posted att and about the places following viz: att Kirktoune in Blair of Atholl Kinnichlachar in Ranoch and Innervonochhill on the south side of Lochdarat Kilmahug Drummond in Lenox and Auchalidar, And The saids Lords doe heirby give order and warrand to the Commander in cheiff of his majesties forces for the tyme being within this Kingdom, To cause detatch immediatly Ane Hundered and Twenty good and sufficient men To be Commanded by Captain Alexander Campbell of Fonnab in Collonell Colziers Regiment whom the saids Lords doe heirby nominate and appoint To command the saids parties, And That the said Commander in cheiff Appoint sufficient Inferior officers under the said Captain Alexander Campbell, To be disposed off and quartered by Twenty the peice with ane officer at the saids six severall places who are to Receave their orders and Commands from the said Captain Alexander Campbel from tyme to tyme as he shall find most Expedient and necessary for the service abovementioned. And The saids Lords Require and Command The said Captain Alexander Campbell To take speciall care that the saids six severall parties under his Command be keeped in good order without Troubling or oppressing the Countrey, And that Exact Intelligence and Correspondence be Keeped amongst the said parties for the better Intercepting and Repressing of Robberies, Thifts, and depredationes Betwixt Blair of Atholl and Dumbarton upon Clyde, Requiring the saids souldiers and their officers under the Command of the said Captain Alexander Campbell, To give punctuall obedience to the orders they shall Receave from him or by him from the Lords of his majesties privy Councill from time to time. As Also The saids Lords Doe heirby order and appoint Brigadier Maitland Governour of his Majesties Garrison att Fortwilliam To make the Garrison of Invergairie Effective Thirty men Strong whereof Ten to be posted at Killiwhim, And the said number at that place to be releived by the like detatchment from tyme to tyme, As Also The saids Lords of privy Councill Require and Command the Comandant at Inverness To send the number of Twenty men under Sufficient officers out off the officers at Inverness to Remain and be quartered upon the water of Moristoune and att the passes thereof for the security of the Countrey benorth the water of Ness. And to be releived from tyme to tyme as the Commandant shall think fitt.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Eight day of March Jaj vjc nynty and nyne years



Act Appointing Garrison in the Highlands

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill For security of the peace of the Highlands and for the Safety of the Inhabitants thereof against thefts robberies and depredationes, Have thought fitt to Appoint and heirby Appoints parties of Souldiers to be quartered and posted att and about the places following viz: att Kirktoune in Blair of Atholl Kinnichlachar in Ranoch and Innervonochhill on the south side of Lochdarat Kilmahug Drummond in Lenox and Auchalidar, And The saids Lords doe heirby give order and warrand to the Commander in cheiff of his majesties forces for the tyme being within this Kingdom, To cause detatch immediatly Ane Hundered and Twenty good and sufficient men To be Commanded by Captain Alexander Campbell of Fonnab in Collonell Colziers Regiment whom the saids Lords doe heirby nominate and appoint To command the saids parties, And That the said Commander in cheiff Appoint sufficient Inferior officers under the said Captain Alexander Campbell, To be disposed off and quartered by Twenty the peice with ane officer at the saids six severall places who are to Receave their orders and Commands from the said Captain Alexander Campbel from tyme to tyme as he shall find most Expedient and necessary for the service abovementioned. And The saids Lords Require and Command The said Captain Alexander Campbell To take speciall care that the saids six severall parties under his Command be keeped in good order without Troubling or oppressing the Countrey, And that Exact Intelligence and Correspondence be Keeped amongst the said parties for the better Intercepting and Repressing of Robberies, Thifts, and depredationes Betwixt Blair of Atholl and Dumbarton upon Clyde, Requiring the saids souldiers and their officers under the Command of the said Captain Alexander Campbell, To give punctuall obedience to the orders they shall Receave from him or by him from the Lords of his majesties privy Councill from time to time. As Also The saids Lords Doe heirby order and appoint Brigadier Maitland Governour of his Majesties Garrison att Fortwilliam To make the Garrison of Invergairie Effective Thirty men Strong whereof Ten to be posted at Killiwhim, And the said number at that place to be releived by the like detatchment from tyme to tyme, As Also The saids Lords of privy Councill Require and Command the Comandant at Inverness To send the number of Twenty men under Sufficient officers out off the officers at Inverness to Remain and be quartered upon the water of Moristoune and att the passes thereof for the security of the Countrey benorth the water of Ness. And to be releived from tyme to tyme as the Commandant shall think fitt.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 560.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 560.