Act, 6 March 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years



Act Christiana Forbes for a Stipend

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Christiana Forbes Lawfull daughter to the deceast Patrick Bishope of Caithnes Shewing That the petitioner is in very great and pressing Straits and defficulties as by many other Calamitous events So particularly by the late Roberry of her house to her very great Loss and damnadge and that Committed here in the Cannogate, And the Church of Keith wherof Sir John Forbes of Craigiwar was Patron haveing been vaccant for the Cropt and year Jaj vic Nyntie fyve and not yet disposed off, The said Sir John Forbes would willingly apply that years Stipend of the said Church for the petitioners behoove (as appeared by his Consent therwith produced) if the saids Lords would be pleased to interpone their authority with the burdein allwayes of the twentie merks payed to the Ministers who preached at the said Church by order of the presbytry dureing that time, And Therfore humbly Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above Christiana Forbes with the patrones Consent mentioned in and produced with this proces, They do hereby Allow to2 the petitioner the Stipend of the above kirk of Keith and that for the haill Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie fyve, with the burdein allwayes of the twenty merks to the Ministers preaching at the said kirk dureing the said year conforme to the3 act of parliament, And Decernes and Ordaines the said petition to be readily answered obeyed and payed of the saids years Stipend with the burdein of the Twenty merks to the Ministers preaching at the said kirk as said is, By the heritors fewars Wodsetters Liferentars titullars tacksmen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend, And Ordaines Letters of horning under the Signet of Councill on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be direct hereon at the petitioners instance against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend upon a production of a decreet of Locality, and incase ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years stipend to make payment of their respective proportiones therof According as they Shall be Decerned by the Judge ordinary.

Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years



Act Christiana Forbes for a Stipend

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Christiana Forbes Lawfull daughter to the deceast Patrick Bishope of Caithnes Shewing That the petitioner is in very great and pressing Straits and defficulties as by many other Calamitous events So particularly by the late Roberry of her house to her very great Loss and damnadge and that Committed here in the Cannogate, And the Church of Keith wherof Sir John Forbes of Craigiwar was Patron haveing been vaccant for the Cropt and year Jaj vic Nyntie fyve and not yet disposed off, The said Sir John Forbes would willingly apply that years Stipend of the said Church for the petitioners behoove (as appeared by his Consent therwith produced) if the saids Lords would be pleased to interpone their authority with the burdein allwayes of the twentie merks payed to the Ministers who preached at the said Church by order of the presbytry dureing that time, And Therfore humbly Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above Christiana Forbes with the patrones Consent mentioned in and produced with this proces, They do hereby Allow to2 the petitioner the Stipend of the above kirk of Keith and that for the haill Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie fyve, with the burdein allwayes of the twenty merks to the Ministers preaching at the said kirk dureing the said year conforme to the3 act of parliament, And Decernes and Ordaines the said petition to be readily answered obeyed and payed of the saids years Stipend with the burdein of the Twenty merks to the Ministers preaching at the said kirk as said is, By the heritors fewars Wodsetters Liferentars titullars tacksmen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend, And Ordaines Letters of horning under the Signet of Councill on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be direct hereon at the petitioners instance against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend upon a production of a decreet of Locality, and incase ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years stipend to make payment of their respective proportiones therof According as they Shall be Decerned by the Judge ordinary.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 193v-194r.

2. Insertion.

3. The word ‘said’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 193v-194r.

2. Insertion.

3. The word ‘said’ scored out here.