Act, 29 June 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Nynth day of June Jaj vic nyntie nyne years



Act Maxwell of Sprinkell for a stipend

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Sir Patrick Maxwell of Sprinkell, The Lairds of Woodhouse, Core, and Mosknow, for themselves and in name of the rest of the heritors and parishioners of Kirkpatrick Fleeming in Annandale Shewing That wher the said kirk of Kirkpatrick and the Manse are altogither ruinous So that Neither the minister the minister now setled amongst the 2 petitioners has ane house to Live in, nor is their any Convenient place for the publict worship of God near the said Church except the open fields, and that ther are severall vaccand stipends of the said Church resting owing by the heritors, And Seing the rebuilding of the said Church and Manse, are as pious and necessar uses (Considering Circumstances above represented) as any the saids Stipends can be applyed to And that the right honorable, The Earle of Annandale patron of the said paroch was most willing the saids stipends be applyed for the ends and uses forsaid and ex super abundante has allowed the petitioners to Implore the saids Lords warrand and authority therto And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would grant Warrand and authority to William Whyt in Poldaw or any other persone the saids Lords should think fitt, To Charge for and uplift the haill vaccand Stippends of the said paroch from those lyable in payment therof Conforme to decreet of Locality and to apply the samen for repairing of the said Church and building of ane sufficient manse therat, and finally to be Comptable for the Supperpluse if any be to the said Earle as patron forsaid as the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by the above Sir Patrick Maxwell and others heritors and parishioners of Kirkpatrick Fleyming in Annandale, And that the Earle of Annandale who is patron of the said kirk Sitting at the Councill board Declared his Consent therto, They hereby allow the vaccant Stipend of the above kirk of Kirkpatrick Fleymeing in Annandale from the terme of Whitsunday Jaj vic Eightie nyne to Mertinmass Jaj vic nyntie seven years to be uplifted and Imployed for the repairation fo the above Kirk and manse Or building a Sufficient new manse to the said Church, And nominats and appoints William Whit in Poledean to be factor for uplifting the said vaccant Stipends, And Decernes and Ordaines the saids factors to be readily answered obeyed and payed of the said vaccant Stipends by the heritors fewars Wodsetters lifrentars titulars tackmen of Teynds tennants possessors and others Lyable in payment of the Same And Ordaines Letters of horning one fiftein dayes under the Signet of horning one fiftein dayes under the Signet of Councill to be direct hereon at the said William Whyte factor his instance against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the saids vaccant Stipends upon production of a decreet of Locality And incase ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the saids vaccand Stipends to make payment therof to the said factor according as they shall be Decerned by the Judge Ordinary, The said William Whyt factor allwayes first before extracting hereof giveing bond and finding sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill that he shall uplift and Imploy the vaccant Stipends of the said kirk dureing the Space above mentioned upon reparatione of the said kirk and manss or rebuilding a new Sufficient Manse, and if any Supperplus of the saids vaccant Stipends Shall remaine in the factors hands more then Shall be Imployed upon the repairation of the Said Kirk and Manse That he shall make Just Compt reckoning and payment to the said Earle of Annandale as patron forsaid of the same to be Imployed upon pious uses within the paroch.

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Nynth day of June Jaj vic nyntie nyne years



Act Maxwell of Sprinkell for a stipend

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Sir Patrick Maxwell of Sprinkell, The Lairds of Woodhouse, Core, and Mosknow, for themselves and in name of the rest of the heritors and parishioners of Kirkpatrick Fleeming in Annandale Shewing That wher the said kirk of Kirkpatrick and the Manse are altogither ruinous So that Neither the minister the minister now setled amongst the 2 petitioners has ane house to Live in, nor is their any Convenient place for the publict worship of God near the said Church except the open fields, and that ther are severall vaccand stipends of the said Church resting owing by the heritors, And Seing the rebuilding of the said Church and Manse, are as pious and necessar uses (Considering Circumstances above represented) as any the saids Stipends can be applyed to And that the right honorable, The Earle of Annandale patron of the said paroch was most willing the saids stipends be applyed for the ends and uses forsaid and ex super abundante has allowed the petitioners to Implore the saids Lords warrand and authority therto And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would grant Warrand and authority to William Whyt in Poldaw or any other persone the saids Lords should think fitt, To Charge for and uplift the haill vaccand Stippends of the said paroch from those lyable in payment therof Conforme to decreet of Locality and to apply the samen for repairing of the said Church and building of ane sufficient manse therat, and finally to be Comptable for the Supperpluse if any be to the said Earle as patron forsaid as the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by the above Sir Patrick Maxwell and others heritors and parishioners of Kirkpatrick Fleyming in Annandale, And that the Earle of Annandale who is patron of the said kirk Sitting at the Councill board Declared his Consent therto, They hereby allow the vaccant Stipend of the above kirk of Kirkpatrick Fleymeing in Annandale from the terme of Whitsunday Jaj vic Eightie nyne to Mertinmass Jaj vic nyntie seven years to be uplifted and Imployed for the repairation fo the above Kirk and manse Or building a Sufficient new manse to the said Church, And nominats and appoints William Whit in Poledean to be factor for uplifting the said vaccant Stipends, And Decernes and Ordaines the saids factors to be readily answered obeyed and payed of the said vaccant Stipends by the heritors fewars Wodsetters lifrentars titulars tackmen of Teynds tennants possessors and others Lyable in payment of the Same And Ordaines Letters of horning one fiftein dayes under the Signet of horning one fiftein dayes under the Signet of Councill to be direct hereon at the said William Whyte factor his instance against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the saids vaccant Stipends upon production of a decreet of Locality And incase ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the saids vaccand Stipends to make payment therof to the said factor according as they shall be Decerned by the Judge Ordinary, The said William Whyt factor allwayes first before extracting hereof giveing bond and finding sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill that he shall uplift and Imploy the vaccant Stipends of the said kirk dureing the Space above mentioned upon reparatione of the said kirk and manss or rebuilding a new Sufficient Manse, and if any Supperplus of the saids vaccant Stipends Shall remaine in the factors hands more then Shall be Imployed upon the repairation of the Said Kirk and Manse That he shall make Just Compt reckoning and payment to the said Earle of Annandale as patron forsaid of the same to be Imployed upon pious uses within the paroch.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 209v-210v.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 209v-210v.

2. Sic.