Att Edinburgh The Nynteinth day of January Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years
Act Lord Justice Clerk etc for opening the Earl of Kincardins Chartor Chist
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be The Lord Justice Clerk Livetenant Collonell John Erskeine governor of Stirling Castle, and the other Creditors of the deceast Alexander Earle of Kincardine Shewing That wher in the proces of sale intented and persewed at the petitioners instance of the Lands and estate Sometimes pertaineing to the said umquhill Alexander Earle of Kincardine, The Lords of Councill and session by their act and interloquitor of the date the twelth day of January instant Ordained the petitioners the Creditors to produce the said umquhill Alexander Earle of Kincardine his rights to the Estate and Assigned the twenty fourth day of the said moneth for that effect And Seing the said Earle his Chartor Chist was lying Consigned in the saids Lords Custody and that the petitioners could not have access therto without the saids Lords permissione and because the keyes of the said Chist are still in the hands of the representatives of Sir Alexander Gibson Since he was Clerk to the Councill It was Therfore Craved That the saids Lords would grant warand in maner underwrittin as the petitione more fully bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Lord Justice Clerk Livetenent Collonell Erskine and others, They hereby allow the Clerks of Councill to open the above Chartor Chist at sight of the Lord Aberurchill one of their Lordships oun number, and at his Lordships Sight the saids Clerks to delyver up to the petitioner Such of the papers in the said Chartor Chist as by his Lordships may be thought proper for Satisfieing the desyre of the Lords of Sessions act, and that upon the petitioners their Sufficient recepts and oblidgment to reproduce the wrytes which they take up within […] and in respect the keyes of the said Chartor Chist are not in the hands of the present Clerks of Councill Therfore the saids Lords Doe hereby Decerne and Ordaine the representatives of the deceast Sir Alexander Gibsone and Mr Thomas Hay late Clerks of Councill and any other persones havers of the said keyes to delyver the samen in to the hands of the principall Clerks of privy Councill And Ordaines Letters under the Signet of Councill to be direct hereon against the representatives and others abovewryten to be Condescended upon in the horning by name and Surname upon six dayes warning
1. NRS, PC2/27, 181r-181v.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 181r-181v.