Att Edinburgh the Twenty Seventh day of June Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years
Process for no insist The Magsitrats of Aberdeen Against Jean Skeen
The Which Day in presence of the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Compeared Patrick Count Lessly, John Allardyce younger present Baillie of Aberdeen, Alexander Forbes Baillie ther and Mr Robert Irvine of Cults and each of them produced Copie of a lybell or Letters of Complaint raised before the saids Lords at the instance of Jean Skeen daughter to the deceast James Skeen merchant in Aberdeen Wherby the saids Patrick Count Lessly John Allardyce, Alexander Forbes and Mr Robert Irvine and Alexander Walker Late provest of Aberdeen, baillie James Milne late Dean of Gild Alexander Abercrombie of Alwhorsk Thomas Gordon, and John Gordon his father merchant ther Jean Gordon daughter to the said John Gordon merchant ther James Smith relict of John Forbes, Robert Hay James Irvine and John Ritchie toune officers ther were Sumoned To have Compeared before the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill this day Toutching the saids haill defenders their haveing Committed a manifast Ryot upon the said pursuer by comeing to her house in Aberdeen to have brock up the same (and haveing returned againe) Finding the house Shutt in the first place be sett the house both at the fore gate and back, and brock up the door, and therafter threatned to draw the pursuer by the nose and Caried her away Notwithstanding severall persones offered to bind themselves to present her to answer to what could be Laid against her And She had been almost killed by ane rable in the way and Laid her in the Tolbooth and exacted a fyne of Twentie Shilling Sterling from her, And Shew That the day of Compearance Contained in the Copies to which the saids defenders were Cited Was now come And that the said Jean Skeen pursuer failled to Compear and insist in the forsaid lybell and Complaint, albeit the saids defenders were all wayes ready to have answered to the forsaid lybell or Letters of Complaint, And Therfore Protested that the saids defenders might not be Lyable to answer to the said Lybell or Letters of Complaint untill they be of new cited againe for that effect and their expensses refounded to them Whilk protestatione The saids Lords Have Admitted and hereby Admitts, Attour The Saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Have Modified and hereby Modifies the Soume of Fiftein pounds Scots of expences to be payed by the said Jean Skeen to the Saids defenders to be divided equally amongst them, And Ordaines Letters of horning on fiftein dayes and others needfull under the Signet of Councill to be direct hereon in forme as effeirs.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 207r-208r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 207r-208r.