Procedure, 21 March 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty one day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Committie Anent Collonell Buchan and his officers

Petitione the Laird of Auchinbreck and Severall officers in Collonell John Buchans regiment and petition the said Collonell John Buchan Read and the Councill nominats and appoints the Earls of Lothian and Lowdone, The Lords Strathnaver Lords Halcraig and Phesdoe and Laird of Grant to be a Committie for Considering of both petitiones with power to the Committie to hear both parties upon their respective petitiones and appoints Collonell Buchan and the officers in the other petition to be warned to attend the Committie And Declars any thrie of above Committie to be a sufficient quorum, And Recomends to them to meet this afternoon at thrie of the Cloak this afternoon and to returne their report to the Councill with their Conveniencie.

Att Edinburgh the Twenty one day of March Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Committie Anent Collonell Buchan and his officers

Petitione the Laird of Auchinbreck and Severall officers in Collonell John Buchans regiment and petition the said Collonell John Buchan Read and the Councill nominats and appoints the Earls of Lothian and Lowdone, The Lords Strathnaver Lords Halcraig and Phesdoe and Laird of Grant to be a Committie for Considering of both petitiones with power to the Committie to hear both parties upon their respective petitiones and appoints Collonell Buchan and the officers in the other petition to be warned to attend the Committie And Declars any thrie of above Committie to be a sufficient quorum, And Recomends to them to meet this afternoon at thrie of the Cloak this afternoon and to returne their report to the Councill with their Conveniencie.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 204r-204v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 204r-204v.