Proclamation, 7 February 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Seventh day of February Jaj vjc nynty nyne years



Proclamation for a solemn and national Fast

William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privy Councill messengers at armes our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and severalie specialy constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas It hath pleased The Holy and Righteous God for the many great and hainous Sins and provocations of this Kingdom, To afflict the same with the Lamentable Stroke of Dearth and Scarcity (which if not in his mercy prevented) doth Threaten a dreadfull famine. As Likeways that the Reformed Churches abroad, are Through his Holy and soveraigne Displeasure, partly under griveous persecution, and partly under great and Iminent hazards, which Justly call for our humbling our selves for our sins and for a Tender Sympathy towards our said afflicted Brethren. Likeas The Generall Assemblie of this Church, Lately conveened Have Therfore addressed the Lords of our privy Councill, That a day of Humiliation may be appointed and Kept for the causes forsaids, more fully mentioned in their act thereanent. Therfore Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Command and appoint a day of solemn Humiliation and prayer and fasting To be observed throughout the whole Kingdom upon the nynth day of march next to Come, To the Effect that all our good Subjects, may on that day make Earnest prayer and supplication to God for the pardon of our Sins, and for Turning away and averting his wrath from this and other Reformed Churches. And That he may Command deliverance for his afflicted people, under persecution, Bless and preserve us and our Government for the Continuance of that peace and Tranquility and Liberty of Gospell Ordinances with purity and freedom That we at present Enjoy And That he may Bless his Gospell with Success and grant a Seasonable said tyme, and bless the seed with Increase for the Releif of the poor and of the present distress of the Kingdom Which day we with advice forsaid doe Require and Command To be Religiously and most Seriously observed by all ranks and degrees of people by solemn prayer and preaching and other acts of Devotion to be performed for the causes and Ends forsads Both in publict and private throw out the whole Kingdom Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow strictly and Command, That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and Remanent mercat Crosses of the haill head Burghs of the several shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom and their in our name and authority, By open proclamation make publication heirof that none pretend Ignorance And wee ordain our Sollicitor To Cause print thir presents as also the act of the Generall Assembly thereto annexed and to transmitt the same or Coppies thereof to the Sheriffs of the severall Shires and Stewarts of Stewartries or their deputs and Clerks To be by them published att the mercat Crosses of their head-Burghs upon Receit thereof. And Immediatly sent to the several ministers To the Effect the same may be Intimate and Read in their several paroch Churches upon the Lords day Immediatly preceeding the day above appointed. Given under our Signet att Edinburgh The seventh day of February and of our Reign The Tenth year 1699 sic subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Seventh day of February Jaj vjc nynty nyne years



Proclamation for a solemn and national Fast

William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privy Councill messengers at armes our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and severalie specialy constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas It hath pleased The Holy and Righteous God for the many great and hainous Sins and provocations of this Kingdom, To afflict the same with the Lamentable Stroke of Dearth and Scarcity (which if not in his mercy prevented) doth Threaten a dreadfull famine. As Likeways that the Reformed Churches abroad, are Through his Holy and soveraigne Displeasure, partly under griveous persecution, and partly under great and Iminent hazards, which Justly call for our humbling our selves for our sins and for a Tender Sympathy towards our said afflicted Brethren. Likeas The Generall Assemblie of this Church, Lately conveened Have Therfore addressed the Lords of our privy Councill, That a day of Humiliation may be appointed and Kept for the causes forsaids, more fully mentioned in their act thereanent. Therfore Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Command and appoint a day of solemn Humiliation and prayer and fasting To be observed throughout the whole Kingdom upon the nynth day of march next to Come, To the Effect that all our good Subjects, may on that day make Earnest prayer and supplication to God for the pardon of our Sins, and for Turning away and averting his wrath from this and other Reformed Churches. And That he may Command deliverance for his afflicted people, under persecution, Bless and preserve us and our Government for the Continuance of that peace and Tranquility and Liberty of Gospell Ordinances with purity and freedom That we at present Enjoy And That he may Bless his Gospell with Success and grant a Seasonable said tyme, and bless the seed with Increase for the Releif of the poor and of the present distress of the Kingdom Which day we with advice forsaid doe Require and Command To be Religiously and most Seriously observed by all ranks and degrees of people by solemn prayer and preaching and other acts of Devotion to be performed for the causes and Ends forsads Both in publict and private throw out the whole Kingdom Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow strictly and Command, That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and Remanent mercat Crosses of the haill head Burghs of the several shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom and their in our name and authority, By open proclamation make publication heirof that none pretend Ignorance And wee ordain our Sollicitor To Cause print thir presents as also the act of the Generall Assembly thereto annexed and to transmitt the same or Coppies thereof to the Sheriffs of the severall Shires and Stewarts of Stewartries or their deputs and Clerks To be by them published att the mercat Crosses of their head-Burghs upon Receit thereof. And Immediatly sent to the several ministers To the Effect the same may be Intimate and Read in their several paroch Churches upon the Lords day Immediatly preceeding the day above appointed. Given under our Signet att Edinburgh The seventh day of February and of our Reign The Tenth year 1699 sic subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 528-9.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 528-9.