Edinburgh The Seventh day of February Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne years
Act John Philp Sone to David Philp
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Philip Sone to the deceast David Philp merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That the petitioner being Served heir to the said David Philp his father and to the deceast Mr John Philp Minister at Queensferry his uncle and the said Mr John being seized upon and incarcerat for some words Spocken by him against the late King James then Duke of York and at that time the said Mr John Philp being the said petitioners tutor in Law, and haveing the Custody of his haill wrytes, They and also Mr John Philps own wrytes were seized upon and sent to the saids Lords of privy Councill and the deceast Adam Mastertoune of Grainge who was Chosen Currator to the said petitioner, Haveing made application to their Lordships to Ordaine the Clerks of Councill to delyver up such wrytes and evidents as they had concerning the said petitioners fortune The saids Lords by their act of the date the nynth day of July Jaj vic nyntie one years Ordained the Clerks of Councill to delyver up to the said Adam Mastertoune the petitioners2 Curator Such wrytes and evidents as they had Concerning the said petitioners fortune as the said act produced to the saids Lords has made appear, And Seing the said Adam Mastertoune the said petitioners Curator by vertue of the said out produced to the saids Lords has made appear, And Seing the said Adam Mastertoune the said petitioners Curator by vertue of the said act got up from the Clerks of Councill Severall bonds and other wrytes belonging to him Conforme to ane inventar and his recept theron, And has uplifted severall Soumes of money belonging to the said petitioner and that it is necessar to have up the said Adam Mastertoune his recept (For verifieing the petitioners claime against his representatives upon upon3 the petitioners granting ane recept therof to the Clerks of Councill, as also ther are severall rights and evidents of the said petitioners Lands and estate Compt books and other wrytes Lying yet in the saids Clerks hands Which the said petitioner should have upon recept And Therfore Humbly Craveing In maner and to the effect aftermentioned, The Saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them; be the said John Philp, with the act mentioned therin and produced therwith, They hereby give Order and warrand to ther Clerks of Councill to delyver up to the petitioner, not only the said Adam Mastertoune of Grange his recept upon the above Inventar it self upon the said petitioners granting recept therof, Bot also to delyver to the said John Philp petitioner the haill other wrytes Compt books and others in their Custody belonging to the said petitioner and that upon Inventar and the said petitioners recept upon the Same.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 188r-189r.
2. The word ‘wrytes’ scored out here.
3. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 188r-189r.
2. The word ‘wrytes’ scored out here.
3. Sic.