Act, 21 November 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twentie one day of November Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act Sir William Enstruther and David Simpson for a Stipend

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Sir William Enstruther younger of that ilk and David Simpson wryter in Enstruther Shewing That wher the paroch kirk of Killrunnie Lying within the persbytrie of St Androews and Shirrefdome of Fyfe haveing been vaccant for the Space of ane Twelve moneth Last past or therby throw the dimission of Mr John Wood Late Minister therat The petitioner the said Sir William Enstruther is undoubted patron gave granted and disponed to and in favors of the said David Simpsone the vaccant Stipend of the said paroch Kirk the year of God Jaj vic nyntie nyne years, to the effect he may Imploy and Cause the Same be Imployed for the repairation of the kirk and manse of the said Gift as the samen therwith produced at more Length Containes And Seing it would be necessary for makeing the forsaid gift and Commission the More effectuall, That the saids Lords Authority be interponed therto, And the same ratified be the saids Lords And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to Ratifie the forsaid gift and Commission and to interpone their authority therto And to grant warrand for Letters of horning and all other executione needfull against all and whatsomever persones Lyable in payment of any of the vaccand Stipend Cropt and year of God forsaid in the termes of and conforme to the decreet of Locallity in favors of the Ministers of the said Kirk of Killrinnie as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petitione given in to them by the above Sir William Enstruther of that ilk with the gift mentioned therin and produced therwith They hereby Approve of the said Gift In so far as concernes the Stipend of Killrinnie And Ordaines the samen for the haill Cropt and year of God Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne to be payed by the heritors fewars Woodsetters lifrentars Titullars tacksmen of Teynds tennents possessors and others lyable in payment of the said 6 years stipends to the above David Simpson wryter in Enstruther in whose favors the above gift is granted to be Imployed be him for repairatione of the said kirk of Killrinnie and Manse thereof And Ordaines Letters of horning on fiftein dayes and others needfull under the Signet of Councill to be direct hereon at the instance of the said David Simpsone Against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment upon productione of a decreet of Locallity and in case ther be non ordaines the heritors and others forsaid Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend To make payment to the said David Simpson of their respective proportiones thereof according as they shall be Decerned by the judge ordinary

Att Edinburgh The Twentie one day of November Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne



Act Sir William Enstruther and David Simpson for a Stipend

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Sir William Enstruther younger of that ilk and David Simpson wryter in Enstruther Shewing That wher the paroch kirk of Killrunnie Lying within the persbytrie of St Androews and Shirrefdome of Fyfe haveing been vaccant for the Space of ane Twelve moneth Last past or therby throw the dimission of Mr John Wood Late Minister therat The petitioner the said Sir William Enstruther is undoubted patron gave granted and disponed to and in favors of the said David Simpsone the vaccant Stipend of the said paroch Kirk the year of God Jaj vic nyntie nyne years, to the effect he may Imploy and Cause the Same be Imployed for the repairation of the kirk and manse of the said Gift as the samen therwith produced at more Length Containes And Seing it would be necessary for makeing the forsaid gift and Commission the More effectuall, That the saids Lords Authority be interponed therto, And the same ratified be the saids Lords And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to Ratifie the forsaid gift and Commission and to interpone their authority therto And to grant warrand for Letters of horning and all other executione needfull against all and whatsomever persones Lyable in payment of any of the vaccand Stipend Cropt and year of God forsaid in the termes of and conforme to the decreet of Locallity in favors of the Ministers of the said Kirk of Killrinnie as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petitione given in to them by the above Sir William Enstruther of that ilk with the gift mentioned therin and produced therwith They hereby Approve of the said Gift In so far as concernes the Stipend of Killrinnie And Ordaines the samen for the haill Cropt and year of God Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne to be payed by the heritors fewars Woodsetters lifrentars Titullars tacksmen of Teynds tennents possessors and others lyable in payment of the said 6 years stipends to the above David Simpson wryter in Enstruther in whose favors the above gift is granted to be Imployed be him for repairatione of the said kirk of Killrinnie and Manse thereof And Ordaines Letters of horning on fiftein dayes and others needfull under the Signet of Councill to be direct hereon at the instance of the said David Simpsone Against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment upon productione of a decreet of Locallity and in case ther be non ordaines the heritors and others forsaid Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend To make payment to the said David Simpson of their respective proportiones thereof according as they shall be Decerned by the judge ordinary

1. NRS, PC2/27, 273v-274r.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 273v-274r.